(...) names and their translations. You can also select which column should be marked as a data series. Options: Chart type - select one of the available charts: Line, Bar, Pie, Donut label column - column of values which will make up the category (horizontal) axis for line and bar charts. For pie and donut charts, these will be the names of individual chart sectors Chart title - (...)
(...) ons. The WFTimeoutActions table will be deleted from the database. It is no longer needed since each timeout will now be associated with an automation. Menu buttons that have a Printout a barcode label action defined on them will have an additional business rule added to their visibility condition: one that states that the button will only be visible if the Document entry point ID is different than (...)
(...) The new Word document will be a template on which you can enter any formatted text. In the described example, it is the text of the equipment purchase decision. label s of process and system form fields can be applied to the desired place on the document by double-clicking on the form field with the left mouse button. The document templa (...)
(...) ned column in the list of available columns. The Year column will now be available in the drop-down list in the Grouping section. • Using the label description feature Users have the ability to independently define the value displayed as the chart’s X axis label . With this configuration, it is possible to present alternative text corres (...)
(...) e”. Barcode handling – printing, reading, or inserting a barcode. A printer driver is used to print a barcode. It is also necessary to configure the “Printout a barcode label ” action and the barcode printer itself. Printing takes place on a server a service operates on. It is thus necessary to ensure proper communication between such server and the printer by config (...)
(...) documents and workflow instances. Using barcodes allows to automate the process of scanning and registering paper documents. Stickers with barcodes simplify archiving documents, and based on barcode label s it is possible to quickly find the right workflow instance in the system. The main part of the configuration is preparing label templates. Creating new template using Zebra Designer (...)
(...) s to this functionality is provided by the Previous version button mentioned earlier. Pressing it will display the previously saved form version. Importantly, after clicking this button, a new button label ed Next version will appear on its right side. This button serves the opposite function, allowing you to view the form version that is newer than the one currently displayed. It is also worth noting t (...)
(...) Hi, I'm wondering if I missed something or there's another/bezter way to add a required boolean field. My current approach is to define a choice field with true/false options, set a label "select an option" and mark this field as required. I'm using global constants for the IDs so that I can check the value of necessary. I don't use the boolean field itself because an unchecked boolean field woul (...)
(...) requirement, where it should be possible to change the browser language with a series of buttons in the form (approximately 20 different languages). Every click on a language button should change UI label ling on current form to selected button language. e.g. [German] [English] [French] ...
(...) lay name should be used instead of the column name. This is especially a problem if the data source is a BPS internal view. WFD_AttChoose1 isn't really helpful for translating. :) 3. There's a slight label ing issue. The PathAndTasks sheet doesn't contain the correct label for object type 33. It should be PathDocumentation instead of PathDescription. Currently "PathDe[s]cription" is duplicated. 4. Butto (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I had the requirement to provide a drop down which can be used to select a form type. Since I'm a fan of doing things the right way I've chosen to provide a multilingual label . Example: TMeasure$$de$$Maßnahme$$en$$Measure I'm not sure whether I'm missed something because of the late hour, but I didn't found a better option than creating this on my own. If someone else has a similar need, (...)
(...) One of our customers would like to print the pdf attachment when moving to the next step. As there is no action to send a document to a printer (apart from print a barcode label ), i'm wondering if anybody implemented this.
(...) any field is checked in this section, the popup search window should behave in one of the following ways. 1. Showing an "Advanced Search" button, which would then toggle the standard search box to a label s and input fields for the checked fields, the search button and a back to standard search button 2. Shows the checked fields plus the standard search box Ultimate options: - the ability to tell (...)
(...) Hi community! We need to add 'active' HTML elements to an item list, e.g. a button containing some Javascript to set a field value or a label with a custom tooltip on mouseover. Is that even possible in an item list, we didn't find any solution for this up to now? Thanks a lot for your input, Best regards, Nik
(...) alse, "percent": false "autocompleteMoreResultsCount": 100, "hasRequirednessDependencies": false, "isDisabled": false, "regexValidation": null, "isTechnical": false, "controlStyle": "", "label Style": "", "plugin": null, "htmlInputAttributes": null, "htmlInputPlaceholder": "", "showQrButton": false "description": {"original": "", "translated": "", "translations": []}, "documentation" (...)
(...) Hi everyone, if you are using BPS 2023 and the option to translate label s via Excel, make sure to save all reports again. The following numbers are referring to the second attachment. After importing the translation the report configuration will look like (1) in the database. There's nothing wrong with it and it works just fine in the current environment. When you export the application and i (...)
(...) similar. Therefore I would think we could improve the user experience in some cases if we would have a JavaScript function which would have parameters for - field name - parent HTML element - label HTML element. If this is the customer DOM The function would be called like this CreateField("AttChoose1",document.getElementById("myCustomFieldContainer"),document.getElementById("myCus (...)
(...) ove the option to pass HTML as a parameter. :) Yet there's always room for improvement. Could we get additional/optional parameter for the title, yes and no button? Depending on the context the label s "Confirmation", "Yes" and "No" may not be the best. For example this would be the default label s Title: Confirmation Text: If you progress, this will trigger the deletion of xyz Buttons Yes, (...)
(...) ort-term fix. We checked the documentation (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Portal/Reports/#id_7), but it appears to contain outdated screenshots. In version 2024.1.1.187, the tab previously label ed "Columns available in reports" is now named "Dataset Columns" under the "Columns" section. As shown in the attached image, the "Default sorting" section is missing. It may have been relocated, (...)