Lately I was thinking about SQL optimization. So I did this query on production environments of our 4 random clients. The query shows where probably we should be thinking about putting index, because of high usage of those columns. Of course we all know that putting index on WFElements with attribute columns is not a good idea (maybe if you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some examples on every environment that are in top 10 most highly recommended for index. And 4 of them are related to SOLR.
You can find my 'research' results here: https://nexpertis-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jaroslaw_dziekan_nexpertis_pl/EsIcZvxgjSJIrtGkGEJpVcABtvWxI57511tiTqDYHpD60A?e=ib6qHx
So my question is: Is there are some plans to create some of these indexes as a standard in Webcon BPS, and if not, is it safe (according to EULA) to create indexes in BPS_Content to improve performance?