Home > Forum > Database > "Incorrect data for translation" error message during application export

"Incorrect data for translation" error message during application export


I have a strange thing that prevents any application from being exported: When the assistant analyzes the environment the following error message is delivered: see below

Using the GUID given in the error message on the table 'dbo.translates' I receive one line with columns that seems to deliver the error.
Sadly I am lacking information on the columns 'TRANS_ELEMID' and 'TRANS_OBJID' to furtherly investigate this issue.

My assumption: An application group with an existing name has been generated during an import and then was deleted from the database, all without an error. Now this error refers to the app group that has been deleted.

Can anybody please suggest what I can do as I have to export several applications in ongoing projects.

Thank you for your help in advance.

(Beginn of Error)
9/13/2022 2:11:45 PM Environmental analysis started. Application (51)
9/13/2022 2:12:06 PM No related element for translation a98498ac-36b1-48e2-9b45-277df9ecc967
9/13/2022 2:12:06 PM Error: Incorrect data for translation
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.OwnersSetterForTranslates.SetOwners(MappingList mappingList, IExportLogger exportLogger)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.OwnersSetter.SetOwners(MappingList mappingList, IExportLogger exportLogger)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.ExportManager.ExportMappingList(ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.Wizards.ImportExportWizards.ExportApplicationWizard.CreateMappingList(Action`1 onGenerationProgress)

9/13/2022 2:14:08 PM
(End of Error)

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Ingo,

that's and known issue which is fixed in BPS 2022.1.3.65.

Depending on the environment OnPrem or public cloud, you can workaround this. It would be best to create a support ticket and ask for it.

I myself wasn't involved in these issues, but I'm aware that they did exist.

Best regards,

Hi Daniel,

thank you for your reply. I will suggest an update to the customer then.

On my server I was able to fix it with a little trick, after pulling backups of the databases:
1) An SQL-Update-Statement to change the Object ID to an existing one. (Services stopped, DB backup done before)
2) Within Designer Studio opened the object with the ID I knew (Created it before), found the critical translation and deleted it.
3) Removed the object created for this action

I am not sure if this will cause other effects but - at least - I was able to get my exports done and they were ok - as far as I was able to test them.

(With this procedure being published here I cannot give any guarantee that it works in any case. But with my case it helped.)

Best, Ingo