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SOAP API Error, can't find logs

Hi everyone,
I've been trying to establish a connection to a SOAP API, action seems to be configured the right way (it only tries to connect and log in). When I run path with the action, the error is displayed in Polish "Wystąpił wewnętrzny problem wywołania webserwisu. Szczegóły błędu zostały zapisane w logu." (Internal webservice error. Details have been written in the log). Well... the problem is I can't figure out what log? Not in the WFActionExecutions table as I checked there, so where? Can you please point me where to look for those details?


Hi MIchal,

there are also the Admin* logs like AdminWFEventLogs

Unfortunately I can't remember which information are stored where and whether they are stored in CONFIG or CONTENT database.

You could also take a look at the Windows Event log. I'm not sure whether these information are stored there too.

Since you are running the action during a path transition, you have probably checked log from the action in admin mode in the history to see whether the send request was correct. At least I assume that it's locked like for a REST call. I haven't used SOAP in a long time.

Best regards,

In reply to: Michał Ludwiczak

Searching all the mentioned tables and there is either no error message or the message is the same (not saying what the problem is). Even after turning on the debug mode in Designer Studio, no error explanation showed in the appropriate table. Maybe someone has configured connection to Polish GUS through SOAP and can provide the right config? Anyone? :-)

Hi Michał,
If we are talking about standard Invoke SOAP API action - this looks like your case - error logs should be available in the history of the element, on the path on which action has been configured - full logs will be available when using administration mode. Daniel mentioned it as well.

If the problem were related to SOAP API action implemented using SDK plugin, we could also check logs saved in the Plugin Packages tab in the WEBCON BPS Designer Studio - in such case, at first logs configuration (Auto logs level) should be set to Always or Error.
For summary of logs types in WEBCON, please check Tomasz Batko response in this thread:

Konrad Wojtycza
Implementation Specialist

In reply to: Michał Ludwiczak

No Marcin, unfortunately not. :(

Wow, that's too bad... Did you ask WebCon to adress this issue?

We are investigating the following alternatives:
a) https://nip24.pl/ - they were only supporting XML but after our inquiry they also added JSON. It's tested, it works in WebCon.
b) https://transparentdata.pl/zrodla-danych-polska/ - but not yet sure what they offer and how it could/would work with WebCon.

Did you try/use any of these services?

How did you solve your case?