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Data table field with Dynamic filter

Hello all,

Is there any way to use the same data table field but having different filters in each step?

For example, on the start, I want the info to show request's open for the requester
In the approval step, I want to check the request's for the project code belonging to the approver

Is there any way to do this without having three different fields to achieve this?
Thank you!

In reply to: Andreia Correia

But using the BPS view as the source, if I filter by the step, I only see the request that is in the start step for the requester chosen.

Hi Andreia,

first of all, why are you entering ids? This will break as soon as you transport the workflow.

Take a look at the screenshot what I had in mind. You can either do it with the normal filter or in advanced mode. In either case this would be the generated filter in my case.
Depending on the current step, either the first or the second condition will be used. The example with 1=1 is just a simplification you could enter actual filter here.

((''1219'' = ''1219'') AND (1 = 1))
OR ((''1220'' = ''1219'') AND (2 = 2)))

Best regards,