Home > Forum > User Voice > AAD: People with/out external user selection

AAD: People with/out external user selection STARTED



in an Azure Active Directory environment it would be great to add an option to the people field which would configure it, whether external /guest users are selectable at all.
Default value should be false.

A customer worked around this by limiting the selection to a BPS group and adding AAD Groups as members of the group. No external user was a member of the AAD group.
Technically this worked fine, but it turned out, that the performance was effected dramatically.
Selecting a users took now multiple seconds. You can see that there are three calls for the people field "Responsible" which took in total about 5 seconds.
I worked around this by creating an SQL data source, which made the form usable again. In the screenshot the "Owner" field uses the sql datasource.

The drawback this has is, that it's no longer a people field and everywhere I have to select the column containing the account name now. Which his not necessary for a people field and can easily be forgotten.

Best regards,