Home > User Voice > BPS Groups inside BPS Grops

BPS Groups inside BPS Grops NOT NOW


I am unsure if this was requested already because searching for anything has become a nightmare in this community. Still... in AD, you can add groups as members of other groups, but when using and creating BPS Groups, this is not possible, and managing the rights with BPS Groups is not the nicest in certain situations, especially if the customer has to do it. They have hundreds of users to add in multiple groups multiple times.

I can only associate myself with. The authorization concept takes some time getting used to.
For example, we also have managers who actively participate in workflows themselves. However, as the process progresses, managers have more authorizations.
Instead of being able to create a group with managers that I can then easily implement in various other groups and only having to replace the manager in one group when there is a change, you have to search through all groups where the employee may have been involved.

Good suggestion!

In reply to: Matthias

I can only associate myself with. The authorization concept takes some time getting used to.
For example, we also have managers who actively participate in workflows themselves. However, as the process progresses, managers have more authorizations.
Instead of being able to create a group with managers that I can then easily implement in various other groups and only having to replace the manager in one group when there is a change, you have to search through all groups where the employee may have been involved.

Good suggestion!

Let me provide a voice from the other side of this topic. The challenge with nested groups is the transparency. The more levels of nesting you have, the harder it is to say which users actually belong to the certain group.
Of course if you're a responsible admin, you'll manage it properly. However, it's one of those things that can get messy quick without proper, structured approach.

Please note you may also use AD groups in the process configuration whenever necessary.

For now we don't plan on extending the BPS groups with nesting. However, if this request keeps repeating (or is highly upvoted), we may re-visit it in the future.