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Export Hotfix NOT NOW


Hello everyone,
I've encountered too many times situation, where i need to make really subtle change in application, to fix some kind of error/bug.

Changes so small like:
* Add column on a report
* Update filter on picker field
* Update filter on report
* Check 'wizard mode' on path
* Reorder paths
* and other fixes requiring less than 5 minutes of work in designer studio...

Going through whole DEV/TEST/PROD workflow is overkill for those, and waiting 2+ weeks for making that change with next update is something i really want to avoid.
At this moment I'm ending up doing that changes 3 times. Once per each environment. It takes time to make it, and I'm only human, i can do a typo, or miss that ID And Name, instead of just ID.

Exporting DEV is also not really an option - there are already changes there, which shouldn't hit TEST/PROD, as they might be not ready to publish.

I suggest that we could have a feature, that would allow us to export specific elements from the configuration, this would create a smaller .bpe file with only selected changes, that could be applied as hotfixes.
It's nothing new especially for people who worked with some version control tools - cherrypicking should ring a bell :)

I have two possible solutions in my head right now, but maybe other members will have some more.

1. Possibility to select specific attribute / step / path / business rule / automation / basically any configurable object, and export it as .bpe file. I'm imagining it under right mouse button menu -> Export as Hotfix.
1a. As an extension, maybe a possibility to check multiple objects using a tree like Objects (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/BusinessRules_General/#objects)
2. Possibility to select range from process History of Changes - sometimes creating that hotfix requires few tries, and it would be nice to be able to select a range of changes that would fix an error. (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Process/module_2_4_6_5)


Hi Maksymilian, I see your point and we had a discussion about your request. At this point, the scope of required changes in the code is too extensive compared to the benfits we see for all clients. Currently we focus on making automated imports and further improvements, to make sure DEV-TEST-PROD migrations are as smooth as possible.
Given the fact we are able to export-import workflows, forms, rules, data sources, reports, dashboards, etc. at once (which many other systems on the market do not offer), it's a lot to work with already :).

Thanks for the suggestion though, we might revisit it at later stages.