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Filter report current user


I have 2 form fields - Person (Assignee, Manager)
I would like to create a report and filter that report based on these 2 columns. It is working fine, until Assignee/Manager is multiple value. If there are 2 persons assigned, it doesn't bring that instance in the report.

This is my formula (SQL filter):

and (WFD_AttChoose1 like trim('##currentloginname## ' )+'#%' OR WFD_AttChoose6  like trim('##currentloginname## ' )+'#%')

Do you have any tips? Thank you.


HI Maria,

if you have a multiple value field the values will look like:

a) id1#displayname
b) id2#displayname;id1#displayname
c) id2#displayname;id1#displayname;id1#displayname

It should be possible to always filter for id1 by adding a ; in the beginning, so that you could filter for %;id1#.

Therefore something like this should work, or at least point you in the right direction. I haven't tested it.
and (';'+WFD_AttChoose1 like '%;'+trim('##currentloginname## ' )+'#%' OR ';'+WFD_AttChoose6 like '%;'+trim('##currentloginname## ' )+'#%')

Best regards,