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Social interactions within WEBCON BPS

Dear WEBCON Team,

I would like to propose a new feature to enhance social interactions within WEBCON BPS: the ability to tag other users in the comments field. This would function similarly to tagging features on popular social media platforms, allowing users to directly mention and engage with colleagues within the platform.

Additionally, it would be highly beneficial to receive alerts when someone tags you in a comment. This notification system would ensure that important mentions are not missed and would significantly improve communication and collaboration within the platform.

Thank you for considering this request. I believe these features would greatly enhance the user experience and foster a more connected and interactive environment within WEBCON BPS.

Best regards,

Arno van der Heijden

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Arno,

you are not the only one, who would like to have this feature. :)

Best regards,

Hi Daniel,

Normally I'm patient waiting for new functionality. In this case my best customer asked for this functionality. After talking to support decided tot add it to user voice again.

Best regards,

In reply to: Arno van der Heijden

Hi Daniel,

Normally I'm patient waiting for new functionality. In this case my best customer asked for this functionality. After talking to support decided tot add it to user voice again.

Best regards,

Hi Arno

Thank you for coming up with this suggestion.
Mentioning users in the comment field is a quite commonly asked feature. I would also suggest that with a future notification system, it should be possible to send notifications from a background task.

Best regards

In reply to: Michal Rykiert

Hi Arno, we see an added value in what you're suggesting, although it's one of those effort-intensive features. We will analyze the feasibility of addind these kind of social interactions in v. 2025 (v. 2024 is already planned out completely).

Hi, everyone

Just to add more value - i can confirm, that few days ago i've received same question if that would be possible.
Right now we are solving it with starting a 'Notification' subworkflow, where you have a 'comment' long field, and picker to choose receipents. On path it sends notification, and updates original form with a regular comment.