Home > User Voice > Add ISO Week Numbers to Date Picker

Add ISO Week Numbers to Date Picker

For a customer we need ISO week numbers integrated into the date picker feature. Sales managers schedule promotions with forecasts, which they need to transfer to demand planners. This process relies heavily on identifying the correct week number. Currently, they have to open Outlook to cross-reference week numbers with corresponding dates, which is time-consuming and disrupts their workflow.

Feature Request:

ISO Week Number Display: Include ISO week numbers (ISO-8601) in the date picker interface. This will allow users to quickly identify the week number alongside the date.


Hi Arno,

while waiting on an integration, maybe this could be a work-around for displaying the ISO week after picking a date
OR the base for picking an ISO week and than displaying a choice field with the seven possible days:

See the attached picture (we use it as global business rule as part of our library):

Business Rule with SQL: select datepart(iso_week, '{BRP:365}') with {BRP:365} = Parameter in date format

In our case, we use TEXT as return value (we use it as info column in reports), in some other cases this could be a problem with sorting (1,11,12,..,2,20,..), but
changing the return value type should not be the problem ;-).

Hope this helps for now,