Home > Forum > User Voice > PROPOSAL: Data Table Export - Increase Maximum Number of Records to 2001/2501

PROPOSAL: Data Table Export - Increase Maximum Number of Records to 2001/2501 UNDER REVIEW


Hello everyone,

we frequently encounter situations where it is convenient for us to perform an Excel export of the current state via the DATA TABLE. Recently, we have been hitting the limit of 1000 rows more often (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Process/Attribute/DataPres/Sql_grid/#7-allow-excel-export).

I would like to propose a review of the current server performance to determine if it is now feasible to increase this limit to 2001 (header + 2000 rows) or, ideally, to 2501.
This adjustment would significantly ease our workload.

Thank you in advance,
Bjoern Poller

P.S.: I will also submit a similar request for the import of Excel rows into an Item List.

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