In reply to: Marek
Hello Daniel,
I thought about this and tried to use Powershell action but without success. The script works with Webcon service account.
It works and I am able to create folder/file on a server side but this is not my point. I have to create a folder in a specific localization, on the different server.
I think the problem is in our AD structure. Webcon BPS works on server 'X' in domain 'Y' and I want to create a folder on server 'A' in domain 'B'.
I gave webcon user privilege to shared folder on server 'A' in domain 'B' but it still doesn't work. I got error: "Username or password is incorrect'
I left UserName and password filed blank in powershell action so it should work on webcon user context...
I don't know what can I do anything else:/
Hi Darek,
did you succeed in creating the folder via UI using ino the service account (rdp login with service account on the webcon server)?
If this works you should also be able to create the folder using one of these scripts from the stack overflow question:
Webcon service has permission
UNC path works as well with New-Item
$ComputerName = "fooComputer"
$DriveLetter = "D"
$Path = "fooPath"
New-Item -Path FileSystem::\\$ComputerName\$DriveLetter$\$Path -type directory -Force
Other credentials:
$c = Get-Credential -Credential
$s = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("mkdir c:\NewDir")
Invoke-Command -ComputerName PC01 -ScriptBlock $s -Credential $c
Alternatively you could try to add the location as a Network drive for the service account and use the drive letter to create the folder
Once one of these approaches work in the ISE, started as WEBCON service account, it should also work as an action.
Best regards,