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E-mail reminder when the current step is active

Hello there :)

I have fairly an easy question. I want to set up the timeout action which would remind users to do their step
while the step would have the "Active" Status or onhold. The current logic did not work unfortunately :(

Any tips on that?

See attached.


In reply to: Jacek Wojnar

I don't quite understand... ;)

where do you have this condition?
is it some global action or do you have it on a specific step?

Have you checked what this condition returns in designer studio when you click "Show"?

Hi :)

I have this condition set on timeout action in a specific step.
Designer returns the attached result.

I tried to apply different logic, substituting "Workflow Instance Status - Ongoing" Into "Step [ID]" and compare it to some sort of Active status or something.

What I want to achieve is to just send reminders to the users who didn't finish/closed/moved their assigned step into another one :)

Best Regards,


In reply to: Igor Sobolewski

Hi :)

I have this condition set on timeout action in a specific step.
Designer returns the attached result.

I tried to apply different logic, substituting "Workflow Instance Status - Ongoing" Into "Step [ID]" and compare it to some sort of Active status or something.

What I want to achieve is to just send reminders to the users who didn't finish/closed/moved their assigned step into another one :)

Best Regards,


Hi Igor

Did you have a look at the mass notifications? This is the simplest way to send reminders without spamming the users with tons of e-mails

For the time-out action approach, e.g. you can configure the time-out action that after 5 days the first reminder is sent and after this every week.

In reply to: Markus Jenni

Hi Igor

Did you have a look at the mass notifications? This is the simplest way to send reminders without spamming the users with tons of e-mails

For the time-out action approach, e.g. you can configure the time-out action that after 5 days the first reminder is sent and after this every week.

HI Markus!

Thank you so much for your reply, the mass notifications are great, did not know about them, and will definetely use in other apps I will be creating.

However, what I want to achieve is not possible with this approach, cause I will need to send the notifications on the specific days of the month. (15, 18, 21 days of each month for instance).
So the interval would be 3 days, which I want to set on timeout :)

Is there any possible way then to achieve this using an action with the condition which returns the info whether the task is completed or not, and if not then the e-mail reminder would be sent?

Best Regards,


In reply to: Igor Sobolewski


Unfortunately does not work either :(

Best Regards,


Hi Igor,

from which part of the application did you have taken the screenshot?

Is this the insert condition of the timeout or somewhere in the automation?

If this task is assigned to a single person, I think that you could make your life a lot easier.

A task will only be completed if a path is used. Therefore, you don't need to have an insert condition.
If the workflow get's moved to the step, set the timeout to be executed at an interval and set it to only execute actions. The timeout should not use a path transition. It can use a path transition but you have to be a bit more careful here. This also applies if you have paths moving the workflow to the same step.
You can read up on it here:


Btw. in these kind of cases I tend to use multiple timeouts which are inserted depending on the environment. In case of dev the interval will be minutes and not days. :)

Best regards,