Home > User Voice > Suggestion for an improved ACTION: Update attachment -> ATT_ID as parameter for new filename

Suggestion for an improved ACTION: Update attachment -> ATT_ID as parameter for new filename



i was struggeling with the "Update attachment" action.

Our users have the abillity to to upload as many pictures they need to the attachment section in one of our procceses.
We would like to rename all files to the same mayor file name with an attached ATT_ID or counting number.

It would be great if in future versions there would be a third parameter under Attachment details, where the ATT_ID
is selectable (SEE PICTURE). A counting number as fourth parameter would be even better ;-)

Bjoern Poller

P.S.: Daniel gave some alternative ways under: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/699/15

P.P.S. (2021-08-17): I found temporaly solutuions for editing ATT_ID and continuous numbering with an action (Run SQL procedure) for those who can't wait -> https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/699/15

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