Home > Forum > Actions > [CLOSED] Sending emails with "High priority"

[CLOSED] Sending emails with "High priority"


Hi Dan,

I'm not sure that I really understand your question and I currently don't have access to the Designer Studio.

I'm assuming that 'High priority' doesn't refer to the low/normal/high priority of the mail itself. I'm quite sure that you can set this in a tab of the 'Custom Mail's action.
Instead I believe that you want to send a mail immediately. I haven't tested it but I assume that this happens if you don't use the mail queue. This is also an option of the 'Custom Mail' action, if I remember correctly.

Best regards,

In reply to: Dan Popescu - ENCORSA Romania

Hi Daniel

I am sorry if I did not made my question clear.
In Outlook you can set the High importance "tag" from the menu.
I attached an image with the button that I am talking about :).

With gratitude,

Hi Dan,

I'm sorry I mixed it up. There's no settings for this only Delivery/Read notification. :(

It seems that the only alternative is to send the mails directly using a REST API. For example, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/message?view=graph-rest-1.0

Best regards,