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Updates to BPS Translation Tool UNDER REVIEW


Hi everyone,

I would be glad if the following changes would be implemented:

1. Adding the new Input placeholder
2. In case of data tables the display name should be used instead of the column name. This is especially a problem if the data source is a BPS internal view. WFD_AttChoose1 isn't really helpful for translating. :)
3. There's a slight labeling issue. The PathAndTasks sheet doesn't contain the correct label for object type 33. It should be PathDocumentation instead of PathDescription. Currently "PathDe[s]cription" is duplicated.
4. Buttons are not part of the generated file. At least I didn't find any.

Could multi language pickers be listed separately? I don't believe that the translations could be handled by the export/import but if the excel would contain a list it would be easier to check. Ok, this is really a low priority wish. :)

Btw. is there any change to open source the project without Aspose, so that we could find an alternative for it and introduce these changes ourselves?

Does someone else have any other wishes? :)

Best regards,


I just noticed a small issue. Some characters in the path will prevent the start of the application.

After changing the folder name from
the .exe chrashes without an error message.

Error from event log:
Application: WEBCON.BPS.TranslationImportExport.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
at ’’..œ(System.String, System.Reflection.Assembly)
at ’’..˜(System.String, System.Reflection.Assembly)
at Aspose.Cells.License.SetLicense(System.String)
at WEBCON.BPS.TranslationImportExport.Form1..ctor()
at WEBCON.BPS.TranslationImportExport.Program.Main()

Best regards,