Cooperation between business and academia is key to educate workers well-suited for dynamic digital transformation. Previous year was full of meetings, presentations, and conferences which brought us much closer to academia. We learned that sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences brings benefits for all – higher education workers, students, as well as for our clients and ourselves.
In 2022 we signed formal cooperation agreements with the Faculty of Engineering Management of Poznań University of Technology, University of Economics in Katowice, and University of Science and Technology in Kraków. We also engaged in an interesting cooperation with Students Scientific Association Epicentrum (Faculty of Management and Social Communication of Jagiellonian University).
The result of newly established contacts and signed agreements was a series of events and meetings:
- dozens of hours of trainings and presentations for didactic personnel of universities;
- presentations, lectures, and seminars for students:
- Transformacja cyfrowa – jak z sukcesem zarządzać zmianą (nie budząc strachu) [Digital transformation – effective change management (without causing fear or anxiety)]– Students Scientific Association Epicentrum (Jagiellonian University);
- Współpraca nauki i biznesu na podstawie przedmiotu „Zarządzanie operacyjne w logistyce” z wykorzystaniem platformy informatycznej WEBCON BPS (Business–academia cooperation from the perspective of “Operational management in logistics” course with the application of the WEBCON BPS IT platform) Business Council, Poznań University of Technology;
- Przekonajmy siebie i załogę – pierwsza aplikacja… Prezentacja Designer Desk (Convince your personnel and yourself – first application… Designer Desk presentation)– Students Scientific Association Epicentrum (Jagiellonian University)
- Low-code – wizualne podejście do tworzenia aplikacji (Low-code – a visual approach to creating applications) – main topic of a lecture for students of the Faculty of Management of University of Science and Technology in Kraków;
- Od pomysłu do prototypu, czyli o trendach Low-Code i No-Code (From concept to prototype – trends in low-code and no-code) – lecture by Ph.D. Edyta Abramek, University of Economics in Katowice, during Silesian Science Festival;
- Low-code – wizualne podejście do tworzenia aplikacji informatycznych oraz dobre praktyki ich wdrożeń (Low-code – a visual approach to creating IT applications and good practices for their implementation) – a lecture for students of University of Economics in Katowice;
- HACKATHON PROCESOWY (Process hackathon) – Poland’s first marathon of designing processes with WEBCON Designer Desk – Poznan University of Technology;
- conferences for higher education managerial staff;
- EZDAY 2022 – an event organized by PCG Academia and WEBCON: how to implement and use WEBCON BPS in higher education institutions;
- LUMEN 2022 – international conference for leaders in managing higher education institutions. Among the topics addressed were modern forms of education and their effectiveness;
- WEBCON DAY 2022 – annual conference organized by WEBCON which serves as a platform for exchanging experiences with representatives of universities with whom we cooperate or plan to cooperate.
- WEBCON BPS Designer Desk jako narzędzie dydaktyczne (WEBCON BPS Designer Desk as a didactic tool) – an event for students of Poznań University of Technology and University of Economics in Katowice where they learn to design processes and build prototypes of document workflow during regular classes.
Many hours of meetings and discussions translate into more experience, conclusions, plans for future. We hope (or rather we are sure 😊) that there will be more such events in 2023, and our cooperation with academia will continue to develop dynamically.
We look forward to working together!