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Thanks, yes that worked. However, it required a full sync of the BPS users list. Incremental wasn't enough.

Hi all We're on 2022 and I believe it used to be possible to release a user license in Portal. But I can't find it any longer. I thought it used to be under https://[...]/adminPanel/users In Studio I do see the option in the reports section. However, it won't let me release a license saying "Us

System-wide Global Actions?
24.11.2023 13:35

Hi there. Couldn't find it but is there an option to create global actions like with global business/form rules? I would like to create a Hyperlink action once and be able to use it in every Webcon application. Thanks.

Hi. Usually, when a user completes his task he will be redirected to the applications dashboard. In a particular use case I have revoked access to the dashboard for certain users. Therefore, upon completion the system attempts to redirect but since there's no permission it will throw an error.

Hi Maksymilian, indeed that was the problem. It was the wrong double quotation mark, good catch. Works now. Thank you.

Hi all, I'm trying to create an HTML field on a form that uses the mailto:-Tag. So in the HTML I put Message Support However, on the live form this string is appended to the Portal url's pointer to the app->form itself. Looks like this: https://webcon.finnova.com/db/1/app/15/element/57427

Hi Daniel. Thanks, using CSS to hide the navigation button is good enough for me and this application. Regarding the visibility restriction idea. I guess this has to be set for ever field on that form right? What would the rule look like? See screenshot. A shadow workflow...interesting idea.

Hi, I wasn't aware of this, thanks for pointing it out. This helps a little more but it would be great if Webcon allowed it to be even more specific. Just like in the report, only show instances for a workflow step in the archive. I guess I can live with that. Another thing that ocurred to me

Hi all, struggeling with the following: I'd like to make available a report only showing instances from a certain app -> process -> workflow -> step. No problem here through the report configuration menu under "Source". However, due to the fact that for a report consumer to be able to access i

Hey Daniel, that worked. Thanks as always!

Hi all. I have the requirement to create a report that aggregates process columns from multiple workflows. In the portal report configuration menu from the source tab I can choose multiple processes->workflows. However, doing so wil only allow me to pick system columns and not process related one

Hide form fields on load
01.05.2023 12:56

Thank you Daniel, that was helpful. Thread closed.

Hide form fields on load
25.04.2023 08:13

Hi Daniel, thanks for your description. May I ask to expand upon 3. and 4.? The form rule created in 2. is for the form field and with 3. you mean to simply insert it into the 'on value change' of said field right? And don't I need another form rule that simply hides the form field on page l

Thank you Daniel that does what I need it to do. Kudos to you, very helpful!

Hide form fields on load
24.04.2023 12:51

Hey there. What's your preferred way of hiding form fields on page load? In my scenario form fields should remain hidden, unless a form field rule from another field was triggered on value change that 'unhides' the target form field. I've been doing it the following way: 1. Make the field

Thanks, but I believe I can't use a form rule in my scenario. See my latest post for a better understanding.

Hi Daniel, thanks for your test results. I believe I found the error. Once I removed the business rules it works correctly. Let me explain the actual requirement I have. I have three item list columns 'mobile', 'info' and 'public'. The goal is to write the AD user's mobile number to

Hey Daniel, thanks. With not using a business rule but the values from the Values tab it indeed uses single values. However, it only ever uses the latest row's value. For example, if I have two rows in the item list, the AD action to update a user, as well as the one to update the related Wf

Hi Daniel, thanks for the link. The guide shows how to start a sub-Wf with For Each. I'm looking to do something with each row from an item list with an Active Directory Action plus an Update Related Workflow Instance Action (See Screenshot) The item list contains a column named 'Mkz'. This

Hi there. Trying to familiarize myself with the for each action. I have an item list an I want a business rule to evaluate the value for each row of a certain column (choice field) an execute an action for it. Unfortunately, as soon as I have more than one row in the item list, the BR evaluat