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Hello, We moved from 2021 to 2023 version of webcon and now we have a problem with initializing item lists in preview mode. When in edit mode everything works fine, but in preview mode item lists do not initilize. Is there a way to achive such a functionality. What was the reason to change it

Hello, In 2020 version of Webcon when using "Generate/Update a Word File" action, there was a checkbox "Show on screen" on the Output tab. We were using this option in one aplication to show generated file to a user in a preview mode. After upgrading to version 2021, the option was changed to "

Thanks for a hint, it worked :) but You have to add site to trusted sites.

Hello, ho can You install Webcon BPS add-in for word on a computer without Internet Explorer i.e Windows 11 ?

Is there a simple solution to do a substring on attachement name ? The solution with business rule doesen't seem to work. I get only {ATT_NAME} as a result for every attachement select cast(substring(ATT_name, nullif(charindex('_',ATT_name),1)+1,LEN(ATT_name)) as nvarchar) from WFDataAttachmets wh