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Kamil Skrzypiec


Hi, Another option is to use the Odata API. Path(GET) /api/odata/beta/db/{dbId}/{processName}_{processId}?$filter={attributeName}_{attributeId} eq '{value}' And with sample data: /api/odata/beta/db/1/OData_14?$filter=TextAtt_356 eq 'sampleValue'

Hi Raluca, When it comes to local parameters, they can definitely be used in the SDK. For example, you can pass their value from the {AUTP_Value:x} tag to ConfigEditableText or pass their id (AUTP:x) and use the typed collection in the action context like this: args.Context.AutomationParams.GetBy

Rest API 409 Conflict Error
31.01.2024 11:40

Hi Joanna, There should be more details in the action logs in the response from the API. Looking at the configuration screenshots, I suspect that the reason for the error is that you are performing a rest action on an instance that tries to modify the same instance. You will most likely get an inst

The timeout itself will not create a new version of the document, only updating the data will change the version. If, as a result of validation, it turns out that the document does not require changes, the automation will be canceled, the document will not be saved and its version will not be update

Hi Daniel, Another approach could be to use an automation on timeout. Then in automation use a REST action which will save the result in a local parameter and the form validation action which will check if anything has changed. If nothing has changed it will return false and stop the automation.

Hello Daniel, You're right, the default page is 1 and the size is 20. There is no max size limit per request for now, but for performance reasons the suggested approach is to set the size to 1000 and then use the href link for the next page. If you reach the end of the data, you will not receive

REST API & OData queries
02.12.2022 14:00

Hello Nikolaus, We do not support OData filters on endpoints other than dedicated OData endpoints (the new ones with api/odata routing). For now, we do not plan to expand the rest of the api to handle OData queries, in the first place we wanted to focus on stabilization and adding missing functio

SDK & Satellite Assemblies
24.10.2022 11:37

Hello Nikolaus, This warning means that we found an assembly with exactly the same full assembly name but with different content (based on the hash of the file) in a different package. .net works by simply loading one assembly with a specific full assembly name, when trying to load another it

We recently updated the article on authentication and added one about scopes, take a look at them: https://developer.webcon.com/docs/registration-and-authentiaction/#oauth-20-authorization-code https://developer.webcon.com/docs/scopes-and-permissions/ In short, we've added support for two addit

Hi Markus, could you go a little further on the scenario you want to achieve? From what I understand, at the moment you have successfully get the token from the studio endpoint and want to use it for public api endpoints and hence the scope error. Regarding api support without dedicated accounts

SDK Action
10.05.2021 21:43

Hi Raluca, I've added an example of using ConfigEditableDropDownList below, but if you have version 2020 or higher, I would suggest using ConfigEditableEnum - it has the same purpose as a drop-down list but provides a more convenient syntax. Best regards

Hi Maximilian, Make sure you have this library in zip, plugins load all package files from database into app domain. Obviously the GAC always wins, so if you have it in GAC it will load it from there, but the packages ensure that the dlls on all servers are correct and have the same version. Br, K