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Kuchling, Fabian (DCCS)


Hi folks, As I am aware, it is possible to change the seeming sender mail in the action itself, but this just masks the mail and possibly be picet out by spam filters. We wonder if there is a proper way to set the sender adress or even SMTP server per applikation on one Webcon instance? Regard

Hello folks, We have used constants which contain SQL queries for calculated report collumns a couple of times already, so this does work. But i now have a query which works perfectly when added into the calculated collumn directly, but no longer works when stored in a constant. (img attached

Hi folks, for some reason for the past few days the attachment preview no longer seems to work. Depending on the browser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloading does work fi

Hi folks, I was wondering if there is a way to use a signature pad (WACOM STU-540) for the handwritten signature field in a workflow. How does this work? If someone has experience with something like that I would be stoked. Best regards Fabian

Hello folks, How can I let a user group delete all attachments, not just their own? Currently it seems as if a non admin users can only delete the ones they uploaded themselves. But we have to let a group of users delete any attachment. Is there a way to maybe toggle is somehow? Or is javasc

I was able to solve it by adding some JS (image) to the page, which adds an "onchange" event listener to the comment box element. Then I was able to check if a new comment was made, so I was able to check via execution condition if a mail should be sent or not. Best Regards

Hi folks, My goal is to send an email when a comment has been entered in a instance. Sadly I have found no way to find out if there has been a new comment to trigger an email action on path traversal. I hope someone can help out. Best regards Fabia

We are aware that some functionalities are not available in a SaaS environment, like some query actions. But is there an official listing of what is not allowed in SaaS? Because Building and Testing a project on-premise, and having no way of knowing if something will break on PROD because of that

Thanks for the Input again Daniel! We found a workaround. And are now aware for the future, that WFD_AttChoose fields are nvarchar(1000). Best regards, Fabian

Hi folks, It seems like the Popup Search Windows has a limit of items which can be selected. I need to have at least 40-50 items selected, but after about 20, (only after saving the instance) it cuts all the others out which were selected.... Is there a way around this problem? I have to u

Hi folks, as we want to move away from using technical fields as variable replacement because of the sometimes pretty strict field limit, I was looking into alternatives. I know that with the new version, it is possible to create automation variables which are VERY useful, but is there a poss

Thanks for the insights! Gonna take a look into it :)

Hi folks, We have a Word File with three data tables from Webcon in there, which will be generated and converted to PDF, then put into the attachments. The thing I have struggled to figure out until now is, how to hide or not show a table when the corresponding data table in Webcon is empty.

Hi folks, I need to grant task assignments to a specific user, for already existing specific instances. And a select other person, which is already assigned, should be unassigned. Except for the "Add/Remove Privileges" Action (which is not what we want), I have found no way to switch task assi

Hi folks, The "Format Date" function just converts the date value into a text value. Sadly we need a date field. Of course creating extra text fields which are visible on the form which are just formatted text fields is an option. But it somehow HAS to be possible just simply set a differen

Hi folks, As you (to my knowledge) cannot add a html field, like you can do in dashboards, I wonder how to get code into the very first page of Webcon. Our goal is to redirect directly into a specific application, but we cannot use the URL rewrite module of the IIS. Best regards Fabian

Thank you all! Somehow "Order by ID" worked, but it might still be better to find another alternative if it is no longer officially supportet! Kind Regards, Fabian :)

Hello folks, The query in the attached image is not working in the designer, but working flawlessly on the same DB in the MSSQL Management Studio. Is there the possibility that the designer somehow does not like "ROW_NUMBER" function? Or is it a Webcon bug? I hope someone has experience wi

Hello all, How is it possible to select a choice field item by index? The choice field(A) has a placeholder ("empty" in attached image) and a dynamically read value. And on value change in another choice field(B), this value is being added to the choice list(A), but I also need to have this n

We would like to show the link of a generated attachment (from Word-AddIn) instead of showing the whole attachment element. Implementing the link into a HTML element is no problem, but is there a option to "grab" the link to the attachment file? Thanks in advance :)