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Webcon 2024
09.07.2024 15:46

first impressions... it works :) so far The installer and messages are slightly different from the information in the changelog, but that's okay. On the way, it asks for the solr password, so I run to the documentation to look for a password that has never been used :) To my surprise, on win srv

Webcon 2024
09.07.2024 15:06

Yes Yes. I've already downloaded and installed it and in the meantime I'm reading the changelog and I don't like it :/ All these license changes ehhhh Lots of new things... I wonder how many things will stop working for me :)

Webcon 2024
09.07.2024 10:16

The atmosphere and waiting like at the premiere of a new iPhone model :) This version of webcon must be special, long awaited. Queues and page refreshes every few minutes :D

Webcon 2024
09.07.2024 10:11

I guess I'm late or is there a new link?

Webcon 2024
08.07.2024 09:42

...and today the website (link) is unavailable. Someone is watching us closely... ;]

Webcon 2024
07.07.2024 22:14

Yeap, but if there are articles like this: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/webview2/463/3 I expected there was already a downloadable version available

Webcon 2024
07.07.2024 11:11

Hello Where can I find for download webcon ver. 2024 regarding this https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/webcon-bps-2024-downloads/458/10 There are many other artictles for version 2024 but with no links to download.

Hi I am looking for a good toturial and is it possible to create a list of items where the item contains many attributes, e.g. a date field, text field, one below the other and not only just next to each other? That is, the distribution of attributes vertically and not only horizontally in the it

Mobile app license
16.04.2024 08:14

Hello, The new mobile app is great, but has anything changed regarding licensing? Is the mobile app separately licensed? e.g. in the free version (WEBCON EXPRESS) I see 1 license for the mobile application.

Have any of you implemented or are planning to implement in your company an interface for operating the KSeF (e-invoice) system via WEBCON? Similarly, has anyone successfully visualized an e-invoice according to ministry-defined template (xsd)? This would be a real GameChanger for WEBCON and nat

I agree with the previous one small step and it will change so much... https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/4296

Some UI strings translated into Polish, but on workflow preview names aren't translated.

Hello How to add Gantt control (to attributes) in Leave of absence in Demo app without adding new predefined Leave process? The Gantt control require select leave proces in config.

DEMO - Helpdesk
14.01.2024 01:14

FYI: I know where it should be, but (I wonder) why I can't find it in demo app? Is it a bug or intentional underdevelopment? eg. On steps in progress or assign some fields shoudn't be visable for author. The same with time management....

DEMO - Helpdesk
11.01.2024 16:55

Hello Who can show me where in the DEMO-Helpdesk application there is a rule that is intended to hide the "Internal notes field" from authors (just like the documentation says)? Currently, this field is always displayed by default (including in email notifications) Similarly, limiting the disp

WEBCON and Stirling-PDF
04.01.2024 23:06

Hello @ll Have any of you tried implementing webcon with the project Stirling-PDF instead FineReader? https://github.com/Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF

Demo applications
19.11.2023 23:48

Hi Where can I find demo app to download for webcon version 2023?

WEBCON 2023 and SQL 2022
08.08.2023 10:42

Hello Does Webcon 2023 work with SQL 2022? Native or with compatibility db level 2019?

How to get Freemium license
24.12.2022 11:20

That's right. I received after multiple mailings of the form over the next few (3-5) days. Less than a year ago, I remember that there was an option to create an account as part of the free version of WEBCON. Currently, as I see, the process of issuing free licenses is slower - manually.

How to get Freemium license
18.12.2022 20:19

Hello How to get license for Freemium version of WEBCON? On https://starter.webcon.com/sign-up/ there is no place for login as before (1 year ago) PS. CONTACT US TO GET STARTED > No response