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now is everything working fine :) Thank you for help

Now it's working meaby I don't refresh something in document. Thank you for support :)

Query: SELECT [COM_ID] ,[COM_Code] ,[COM_Description] FROM [BPS_Content].[dbo].[Companies]

I do this: SELECT DET_ID as WFD_AttText19, DET_Att4 as COM_ID /* here also this DBO.ClearWFElemID(DET_Att4) as COM_ID but also error that said that that functions is not avaible FROM WFElementDetails WHERE DET_WFDID=1515422 AND DET_WFCONID=2398 AND DET_Att3=1 but I have an error

I do this: SELECT DET_ID as WFD_AttText19, DET_Att4 as COM_ID /* here also this DBO.ClearWFElemID(DET_Att4) as COM_ID but also error that said that that functions is not avaible FROM WFElementDetails WHERE DET_WFDID=1515422 AND DET_WFCONID=2398 AND DET_Att3=1 but I have an error

How can I in here write dinamic company from my item list (My company is in DET_att5) ? Or I have to do another way ?