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for HTML code

I’m really struggling to create an email notification that would look good on all possible devices. I successfully created the HTML but the editor in designer studio is adding some parts code out of nowhere, deleting other parts and duplicating whole blocks of code after saving. Is there a way to work around it? Can Webcon change the editor to not do that?

(...) y building tables) A process that contains an item list and a data table After defining these types of fields on the form, create the “Send a custom email” action that contains the HTML code creating a table with data from the form.   Configuration The first field to define is the Item list.   Fig. 2. The item list in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio   T (...)

Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction In the latest version of WEBCON BPS, the report coloring has been enhanced for additional functionalities (a description of the basic report coloring modes can be found here). There is the ability to go through a path without having to view the specific instance – just click on a properly

(...) nbsp; Fig. 5. The global e-mail template – message content   Two tabs are used to edit the content: Editor – editing in the WYSIWYG mode HTML – editing the HTML code   The “Message content” tab allows you to use the variable editor during editing, which is available in the right panel of this window. Thanks to this, in the HTML editing mo (...)

 PDF version 1. Application assumptions WEBCON BPS 2020 mobile application facilitates working with WEBCON BPS system from the level of mobile devices.     Basic assumptions of the application architecture: Dedicated application for mobile devices Android – support from version 4.2 iOS – support for the last two versions   Works in tw

(...) 0.1.3. on MODERN form, a new HTML type form field has been introduced which allows you to enter custom elements in the HTML language on the form. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. Form rules in JavaScript mode have been enhanced with the foll (...)

(...)   Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. After adding a new HTML form field, enter the code in the &ld (...)

(...)   Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. This article describes the JavaScript functions that are available for item lists in the HTML form field configuration.   Functions for item li (...)

(...) d in the process.   You can configure the global template in System settings -> E-mail notifications -> Global e-mail template. On the “Message content” tab, you can add the HTML code .   Fig. 1. The HTML code of the global form template   To freely edit the template, you should know the HTML markup language and the CSS stylesheet language. Remember, that (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Calculated columns enable you to display additional information in WEBCON BPS reports. They are created by adding a new column in the report and then inserting a SQL  formula. They allow the report to be supplemented with additional fields that are not present in an application. A calculated column only works within a given

(...) jciech Kołodziej   Introduction A dashboard is a panel that allows you to prepare a dedicated page where you can add various elements (called widgets) such as reports, task counters, or HTML code . Widgets are used to build a personalized application page in WEBCON BPS Portal. The ability to create your dashboards by using 10 widgets has been introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019. In version 2020, (...)

(...) sary privileges, you can start implementing the Microsoft Graph Toolkit components in the WEBCON BPS Portal. Microsoft Graph Toolkit components can be used in: HTML form field in the form HTML code element in the dashboard   Microsoft Graph Toolkit in the form field Using Graph Toolkit components in the HTML form field in the form requires a HTML form field, its setting requir (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The wide range of form fields and features offered by WEBCON BPS makes it possible to create forms, reports, etc. not only tailored to the user's preferences, but also aesthetically diverse. However, if the user would like to further distinguish the information contained on the workflow instances or

(...) s a table that consists of a header, row, and footer. Each of those elements is identified with a dedicated tag within which the items placed under such element are inserted. Header: The HTML code in the header section should contain column names. Code: {SUBELEMHEADERTEMPLATE:GUID} {/SUBELEMHEADERTEMPLATE} Row The code of the row section must include tags referring to values of i (...)

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction With the WEBCON BPS mobile application, users gain the ability to access the WEBCON BPS platform from anywhere using their mobile devices. This article delves into the core assumptions regarding the architecture of the mobile application mentioned above.   Assumptions The fundamental ar

External content by Razvan Ogrezeanu; 15.04.2024   Introduction In today's digital age, email remains a cornerstone of business communication, serving as a direct line to customers, stakeholders, and internal teams alike. Its role extends beyond mere information exchange, functioning as a vital tool for marketing, customer service, and engagement. The ability to capture attention a

External content by Raluca Lupu; 10.05.2024 Have you ever wanted to display information hierarchically? I want to share how you can create accordion-style tables in the system. I built an accordion table using HTML and JavaScript. The table is generated dynamically by fetching data from a JSON. What does that mean? 🤔 Simply put, the table adjusts automatically based on the data entered in

Hi, just a simple, easy request - can you please add a usefull code editor to SQL rules, JavaScript rules and HTML fields details ? Sure, one can copy paste the code from external editors, but it takes time, having an embedded editor would be a great feature.

Hi, no idea about the future plans for the portal, but you should definitely consider adding some more functions, like: - user defined left menu - pages, not just dashboards - option to turn off the default dashboard - dashboard HTML element should have some kind of HTML editor, not just a narrow window for code pasting. It's hard to make any changes without copy/paste to external editor - dashb

(...) does not want to show the instance link and site link, the buttons keep showing up in the email but empty. If you want to erase them, the only option is to create a new template and discover in the HTML code where the buttons are configured. This makes no sense because the buttons don't have any other usage as showing the links so if the person chooses to hide them, it should behave as one compound on (...)