(...) of the previous versions of our applications, should we need to return to them. E-mail contents We can strictly control what is sent in e-mails (standard and custom). There is an inteREST ing option in the configuration of form fields: Never show in e-mail notifications. It’s worth noting that technical fields also won’t be included in e-mails. In the template config (...)
(...) d to be transferred The blog post provides information about the available options and sometime other helpful information. READ MORE: here. In case you are inteREST ed in copying a content database you find more information: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/mirroring-environments-for-2023-standalone/427/3 https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/co (...)
(...) window It allows users to quickly change the Portal theme to WEBCON Contrast Black Yellow or any other custom theme marked as contrast. After deselecting the theme, the default theme is REST ored. The window also has an educational function: there are universal prompts for the user to resize the screen using the mouse or keyboard, which vary depending on the operating system used. To d (...)
(...) ngual user interfaces this post can provide you with little helpers to generate SQL statements: For multilingual choose fields. Multilingual icons If you aren’t inteREST ed in these then you can still take a look at the SQL command stubs: Get workflow data Get item list data Join workflow element and item list Get attachments of the workflow Get emails o (...)
(...) sp; In the installer, during system verification, it is also possible to install Java. Steps II, III, and IV – Updating WEBCON BPS and creating a backup copy, then REST oring the backup after the update. Before beginning to update WEBCON BPS to version 2024 R1, identify which of the three installation variants is on your environment – and then proceed accord (...)
(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; August, 2022 ; The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de If you are working with web services data sources like REST then you will have noticed that you can't view the outgoing request. This is also true, if you have a problem, when the instances hasn't been saved yet. All in all this can be quite annoying, if there' (...)
(...) lobal logout button is available in the user menu; when selected, the user is logged out of all sessions on all devices. Note: Making security changes requires system administrator privileges and REST arting Portal and Designer Studio each time. Additional configuration The Windows Authentication method in Internet Information Services (IIS) is the primary method for verifying the i (...)
(...) script that initializes Solr index structures. This script must be passed the first time the container is started for the indexes to be created. It can always be passed, because when the container is REST arted, the script detects the existing indexes and skips their re-creation. You can preview the created container under the Containers tab: The Solr service will be available on th (...)
(...) s knowledge to migrate further processes. In this series I'm creating an example application into which I'm importing data using built in cyclic actions, and external powershell script using REST API. Creating example application. Importing data using cyclic actions. Importing data using external powershell script.
(...) more than their peers viewing History in standard mode… In fact, they see everything: History displayed in admin mode includes information on all elements, including those whose visibility is REST ricted in the Designer Studio configuration. The administrator also sees complete information on all instance versions, modifications, and users who have or had tasks assigned within the workflow. (...)
(...) hing between tasks 10 times. While the post is almost a year old, it seems still to be true for the WEBCON BPS 2024 release. I haven't made a thorough check so. If you are inteREST ed in all the nitty details you can read up on it here.
(...) ove these two rules and save the changes to the file. Verifying event logging in the database To verify the system's operation after modifying the configuration, first REST art the Portal. Then, open the configuration database (BPS_Config) and navigate to the AdminWFEventLogs table. This table should contain all entries related to user logins to Portal. To easily locate (...)
(...) , it was necessary to define the attachment categories in advance? Otherwise, the attachments would be saved in an empty category. However, with the release of version 2023.1.3.231, this REST riction has been removed. Now, it is no longer necessary to define attachment categories in the process to save attachments in a dynamic category. This change simplifies attachment management, allowin (...)
(...) 1. Introduction Upgrading to a newer version is inevitable for any WEBCON BPS environment due to the acquisition of new functionalities, bug fixes, and security patches. It is therefore in the inteREST of the system administrator to become familiar with the capabilities of the WEBCON BPS installer and to master the procedure for upgrading the environment. This article presents a general upgrade (...)
(...) ts this feature using communication between MS Graph and Microsoft Azure. The configuration covered includes: OAuth2 Authentication form field Authentication via OAuth2 MS Graph queried by REST calls. Scenario and configuration The prepared scenario describes a method for moving an attachment from a workflow instance to a SharePoint Online library (hereinafter referred to (...)
(...) } } } } } After saving the modifications, REST art Portal and return to the Azure platform. Open the Microsoft Sentinel tool. Shortly, the tool should display the data received from the WEBCON BPS platform. Summary Th (...)
(...) f you have no idea what these are, you can watch this updated video: The issue which occurred in the video with the missing path colors has been resolved. If you are inteREST ed in updating /implementing these features, you can head over to the post. They are also working in 2023.1.3.289. so you can already update them and make use of the new features. Updated &lsquo (...)
(...) bsp; Form in view and edit mode On a form in view (read-only) mode, fields, groups, and tabs that require authorization will be covered up with this button: Fig. 5. A REST ricted field/group/tab Clicking on the button will reveal the field as long as the authorization session is still active (Required periodically), or will need to be authorized each time ( (...)
(...) 2025 ; The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de While WEBCON BPS 2025 does not support certificate authentication by default, the R1 release added a new SDK type the “CustomREST Authentication”. This allows us to implement our own authentication options. I made use of this to add support for accessing SharePoint using client id/certificate instead of client secret. A (...)
(...) installing the new service, switch all roles and associated content databases from the old service to the new one in setup.exe → System management tools → Farm services configuration. A REST art of the WEBCON Workflow Service is required for the changes to take effect. Fig. 2. Switching roles and associated process databases between services (Farm services configuration) & (...)