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for columns

(...) Hello, I have item list with few rows and few columns , one is the column field type: Yes/No choice. I would like to save instance on Yes/No choice field change. I put to the field style and behavior – Form rule to be executed on value change – MOVE TO NEXT STEP XYZ. The XYZ path is starting and ending in current step (i.e. it is in fact the SAVE path). When value is changed, it is showing error message (...)

(...) Hi, I have a dictionary process. I built the report based on it. I can export it to excel. Can I customized this excel? On report I have 3 columns . In excel there are to more ID and DocType + headers of the columns have additional info about attributes from Webcon (type and guid). Can I modify it somehow that I will get only my 3 columns with only names in excel? BR Adam

(...) Hello, I have an template with a simple excel file that has a table named "TableExcel". This table has 4 columns : DATE,CUSTOMER,VALUE,CURRENCY. In designer I created an item list with 4 colums that have the same name. When I map the columns in designer I use "Sheet1!TableExcel" and on the right i drag the columns from the item list. Every time i run the action i get : Invalid cell name If i try t (...)

(...) Hi, When inserting an item list in a word template, the add-in asks for some columns configuration for the final table. Issue is that modifying "Display name" of a column of the item list is not visible in the final document, it is visible only in the template. The attachment document receives the original item list column name. The "Display name" set for an autogenerated column (like ID) works (...)

(...) It would be very helpful if excel generating action and data table attribute ability to save as excel could produce an Excel file with or without columns headers. This is sometimes useful, as some external applications accept only data in excel files and no headers.

(...) subworkflow. I'm trying to transfer data from the parent workflow (single line of text attributes - 'email' and 'phone') to a table in the subworkflow with the item list update action. The table has columns ('value' - single line of text and 'contact type'(selection list: 1#Mail, 2#Phone)). How to write an SQL query to put different WFD_AttText attributes into one DET_Att column and different Att_Choose (...)

(...) they replied as follows. ___ It seems that during an item list initialization, there is an infinite loop which causes Workflow Service to crash. It can be due to: - default value on one of the columns of initialized item list - initialization itself (either in item list's configuration or by actions like "Update item list values") Usually, when item list is first time displayed on a form, it (...)

(...) In a form, I initialize an item list. In this list i have columns : question, response and description. In some questions I have only response called '(n/a). While the n/a answer is applicable I want to enable the description column. However, I cannot use the enable on choice field. I have tried to put condtions in a 'column edit restricion' but this does not work as it would require add another response (...)

(...) nce ID to the related column of item list. I'm using automation having FOR EACH and Start sub-workflow action. All i can see is the possibility to save subworkflow ID to the form field, not item list columns . Is there a better way than having another action updating item list with the IDs?

(...) Hi! So I have this Item List in "Orders app". Lets say it has 10 columns . 6 Of those columns can be editable depending on subprocesses or other proceses. So there is a query, that if returns 1 it means that column can be edited by a user, if 0 then the column in this row is blocked. For that I am using "Column edit restrictions" from the "Permissions" tab in the studio. And it works great. For few row (...)

(...) lo everyone, I'm trying to create an article-based analysis. The evaluation should list how often an item is affected in a complaint. Unfortunately, although I can add the corresponding fields as columns for a list view, I cannot display them in the form of a chart. Why do these fields have the blue text [Positions] in front? What is it about these elements that I cannot select them in the view page (...)

(...) Hello, I have 2 form fields - Person (Assignee, Manager) I would like to create a report and filter that report based on these 2 columns . It is working fine, until Assignee/Manager is multiple value. If there are 2 persons assigned, it doesn't bring that instance in the report. This is my formula (SQL filter): and (WFD_AttChoose1 like trim('##currentloginname## ' )+'#%' (...)

(...) Hey, anyone have any idea why the problem appeared? Version installation: current -> 2023.1.3.76 target -> 2023.1.3.118 In changelogs there was information about changes as to the columns in the AdminWFEventLogs table. Last query from profiler: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'WEL_Details_Deprecated' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'dbo.[AdminWFEventLogs]')) (...)

(...) fferent way, but it is not consistent, for example, with other pickers using a BPS source. Would it be possible to introduce configuration options in the picker with an SQL source where we can map columns with ID, Appid, and dbid? Alternatively, a configuration where we return, for example, the entire constructed link (e.g., references to applications other than Webcon)? In environments where we us (...)

(...) ist where: a) I set person (from AD) b) in item list in that proces I add competitions final I have got step finish - Person - Item list what he/she can do. From that I created data sorce with columns , so i have multi rows: Person 1 = can do 1 Person 1 = can do 2 Person 2 = can do 1 Person 3 = can do 2 2. In other proces I have got attribute: a) Item list A [pick person] So I create List (...)

(...) Hello, I have a little problem. My scenario is something like this: I have an item list, with 3 columns A, B(not important here) and C and I want to disable column C(data row), if column A(choice field) has value 1#Mother, for example. Even if it's a new row just added by the user at that moment, even if it's a row added previously by other user in another step.. I just simply want that column C to be (...)

(...) and it's description: This action adds all rows from the specified Data source to the indicated Item list, without checking for duplicates, but taking into account the values specified in the columns mapping section. Executing this action may result in duplicate rows of the Item list. As I encountered the described implications, I wanted to stress this, as the current action may have chang (...)

(...) ebcon design studio ... is close to crash ... any way ... if i do: "e.DET_WFDID = 'parent id' i have what i wont (just for check). on path if I put that automation - it semi work ... is filled columns but whatever is set as "attachment" always returns "attachment was removed" another issue is doubling records ... (probably to many joins ... )

(...) Hi, I've inserted a line chart to my form. It gets data from database (4 columns ). 2 columns are presented on a chart as data series. Sometimes there are nulls in one of the columns . Then Webcon interpreters it as 0. Do you know any countermeasures to it? If there is a null value from the database, then it shouldn't show that line at the given point in time. I attach a photo of that such graph with (...)

(...) Please vote for this user voice, as it already have more votes, and is exactly the same ;) https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/4134?messageid=4134 Hello, when working with custom columns in reports I'm always trying to avoid using regular ID when comparing forms, workflows, processes etc. I'm almost always joining with specific tables to get GUID, so reports won't break between environments. (...)