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for dev

(...) ptions in the Tasks menu, none of them helpful here. No matter the source of this issue, is there a way to delete the remaining links of original app into the new app, so that the export from this dev goes clean to import on the Test/Prod env? Thank you, Mihail

(...) ted results. I noticed that the geolocation of the browser is used, even if path authorization with method "application" is used. If this method is used, it would be great to use the location of the dev ice instead. I made two tests, one with and one without active VPN. As expected I had two different locations. This is understandable, but if the path authorization with mode "Application" is used, (...)

(...) Community, We have problems with the different runtime environments of the WBCON Workflow Service (under .NET Framework) and the WEBCON BPS Portal (under .NET Core) and System.Data.ODBC. I have dev eloped an SDK plugin that integrates the NuGet package System.Data.ODBC to access ODBC data sources. The target runtime environment of the plugin package is .NET Standard 2.0, so that the plugins c (...)

(...) he option “Form field validation” is checked on the paths. If i deselect, it works. This is what MailApproval returns: ################# Path transition operation failed: Operation on element: dev /WAVE/2024/556 failed. Error: The following path was selected: Freigabe erteilt, weiterleiten an BL. {Name of the path in german} Status: Document not moved to next step. Details: Validation error (...)

(...) Hello, I've dev eloped a process (start - finish). In the System Settings, I've configured a HotMailbox using Microsoft Graph, specifying a user mailbox, and the connection is OK. The issue I'm encountering is that 90% of emails are returning a validation error and the workflow is not starting and e-mails are not moved to the ERROR folder either. For other emails, it has moved them to the Er (...)

(...) filter on picker field * Update filter on report * Check 'wizard mode' on path * Reorder paths * and other fixes requiring less than 5 minutes of work in designer studio... Going through whole dev /TEST/PROD workflow is overkill for those, and waiting 2+ weeks for making that change with next update is something i really want to avoid. At this moment I'm ending up doing that changes 3 times. O (...)

(...) ssController.SetViewDataSource(IProcessVirtualNode dataSource) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleProcess.ProcessController.HandlePanelFocusedNodeChangedImpl(IProcessVirtualNode node) w dev Express.XtraTreeList.TreeList.RaiseAfterFocusNode(TreeListNode node) w dev Express.XtraTreeList.TreeList.InternalSetFocusedRowIndex(Int32 newFocusedRowIndex) w dev Express.XtraTreeList.TreeL (...)

(...) Hi everyone, it would really be great if we could have the option to check in a business rule whether the edit mode is active. Currently we can check for: - Admin mode - Mobile dev ice - Share mode At the moment I'm using a combination of business rule and form rule to hide /show an element which is confusing. An alternative or maybe an even better option would be to provide a rule /func (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I've got a use case, where users want to make a specific path always redirect them to a specific dashboard. Right now, the returnurl parameter is built dynamically, and we (dev elopers) don't have almost any possibilities to change that behavior (we can create our custom links, so there is some). In most cases it will work like that IF user opened element from the dashboard, but tha (...)

(...) { "detail": [ { "type": "missing", "loc": [ "body", "id" ], "msg": "Field required", "input": null, "url": "https://errors.pydantic.dev /2.6/v/missing" }, { "type": "missing", "loc": [ "body", "category" ], "msg": "Field required", "input": null, "url": "https://err (...)

(...) ns. It acknowledges the reality that while mobile applications serve their purpose, the desktop experience remains paramount for many professional settings, including ours. I kindly ask the WEBCON dev elopment team to consider this request to incorporate PWA capabilities into WEBCON BPS, thereby enriching the toolset available to us and further solidifying WEBCON's position as a forward-thinking le (...)

(...) d the text in markdown format/notation/language (I'm not sure what the correct word is for this). What I need on top of the "actual document" is the life-cycle of the single articles/pages, i.e. the dev elopment of the content (history) and the review and approval steps before it is published. My idea was to move the entire life-cycle into Webcon and after approval it should be outputted into the (...)

(...) ate field, text field, one below the other and not only just next to each other? That is, the distribution of attributes vertically and not only horizontally in the items. Found only this: https://dev eloper.webcon.com/docs/2019.1/sdk-custom-control/

(...) I have three environments: PROD, TEST and dev . My current WebCon BPS version: 2023.1.3.169. There was a global problem with business rules in the TEST environment (it also occurred before the system update, i.e. 2023.1.3.76) - it is not possible to introduce a single new rule because an error immediately appears, as follows: Typ: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException -------------------------------- (...)

(...) this already with the current options, but it requires a dedicated implementation for each mail instead of a general approach. It may also be a stupid idea and I only came up with it as I'm also a dev eloper at heart who tends to abstract more than necessary. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, Is there a simple way to get which environment runs a process? The data should be one of the 3 possibilities: dev , TEST, or PROD. There are many places in Webcon settings where environment is set as "Auto", but I found no variable giving the actual name of the environment. I know there's a table and inside is a row which offers this, but I thought there might be an environment variable off (...)

(...) Hi, I tried to import an application from the dev elopment environment to the production environment and got the error: "Check if the import service role (part of the core roles) is running for the current databases". Has anyone had this error? Thanks, Raluca

(...) Hi, I think everyone of use has run into this error more often in dev /test than anyone wants to admit. Message TIM_ID: 15 - WEBCON BPS Timeout actions error: checkout exception occurred. Instance ID (WFD_ID): 5907 WEBCON BPS Timeout ID (TIM_ID): 15 Could you we gain a global setting, with which we can disable this check / allow the timeout to undo the checkout? I completely understand (...)

(...) box or similar for a data row whether the recalculation can be skipped. While each execution takes only 30-50 ms this sums up to almost 2 seconds in total. Ok, this is also due to the fact that the dev system is undersized but this doesn't change the fact, that there is room for improvement. :) Best regards, Daniel

External content by Daniel Krüger; July 15, 2024 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de WEBCON BPS 2024 added a public API to import applications. WEBCON made this easy by providing a command line utility which is described in the knowledge base article Importing applications using the public API: Since I want to use the API in another use case I needed to play ar