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(...) s - if JavaScript validation fails on field value change, I would like to revert the value of the changed field back to the default value )or previous value). I was researching the uxContext input parameter , but I was unable to find a function or value in the uxContext structure that would contain information about the ID of the field, that triggered the function. Thanks!

(...) 7.36 | href: | ex: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Managers.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateOrTakeOverparameter s.UpdateAfterUpdateTime(WFElementCheckout checkout, SqlCommand updateCommand) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Managers.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateTimeOnCheckoutWithStealing(Int32 wfdId, String userL (...)

(...) dbo.f_clear_description(wfelems.WFD_SIGNATURE), 'None')) However, from what I can see in database, the comment format has changed and now when using this function I get an error: "Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function." In the attachment, I marked in green old comments, and those starting with [{ are new. Old comments show up in the report and when I go to newer issues I (...)

(...) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameter s, Object[] arguments) at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.InvokeMarshaledCallbackDo(ThreadMethodEntry tme) at System.Windows.Forms.Control. (...)

(...) TEST server execution of queries using the Default connection uses a different user than on the Dev server - installation seems to be the same (the same users etc.). Is there any option/installation parameter that causes the execution of TEST SQL may be different than the rest of the environments? Test server query execution: declare @cookie************************************** varbinary(8000); e (...)

(...) the requirement of "admin permissions" How to add requires admin permissions?. Below are excerpts from the RestAPI documentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fields will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly fields won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to ed (...)

(...) is is the case, check whether you are using window.initialModel and make adjustments. In R2 it's gone. Most of the objects of the initialModel can be accessed via the liteModel. /api/nav/db/${parameter s.dbId}/element/${parameter s.instanceId}/desktop If you have no idea what I'm talking about, than everything is fine. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) ing down the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Checkouts.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateOrTakeOverparameter s.UpdateAfterUpdateTime Best regards, Daniel

(...) the plugin. \Webcon.Workflow.Outlook2010.resource.dll" (I'm attaching a screenshot). Massive deployment from sccm . Command line : Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path "v100.msi" -Transform "v100.mst" -parameter s "WorkFlowUrl=`"$envProgramData\Webcon2\WebCon.WorkFlow.Outlook.vsto`" /qn" What could be the issue?

(...) ould be great when form rules would be stored in a minimized version too. This minimized version would be used by default whenever a form rule is send to the client in a HTTP response. When a query parameter like 'minimized=0' is added, the "full" version would be used instead. Currently the a JavaScript form rule will be bloated because line breaks are transferred as \r\n. Depending on the number of (...)

(...) uilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.RunAutomationOperationsAsync(List`1 operations, AutomationEvaluationparameter s evaluationparameter s, IAutomationWithparameter s automationWithparameter s) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.d__24.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServ (...)

(...) GetResponse() at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.GetResponse(IHttpWebRequest request) at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameter s) [...] The operation has timed out Atomic update content: Random elements in WEBCON can't be proceeded by Solr. I have added RAM for Solr (4GB). Solr Cloud node shows: 1% CPU, 40% Heap, 1.8 (...)

(...) GetResponse() at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.GetResponse(IHttpWebRequest request) at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameter s) [...] The operation has timed out Atomic update content: Random elements in WEBCON can't be proceeded by Solr. I have added RAM for Solr (4GB). Solr Cloud node shows: 1% CPU, 40% Heap, 1.8 (...)

(...) es) and one Choice field (Projects), and I would like to place some hyperlinks on HTML fields that start a new instance. Can I set 'StartElement' function on this HTML field so it can define other parameter s that should auto-fill in the instance? For example: I choose a project, then press a 'Category' button (one HTML field) that will start an instance, and in that instance, the project and category (...)

(...) Hi! I wanted to ask if the removal of the preview of XLSX files could be reconsidered? Perhaps as a toggled parameter . :) It was an important functionality for our company and after upgrading to BPS2023 we have to come up with a different solution for the preview of simple spreadsheets that are attached to BPS documents. Thanks, Patryk

(...) Hi. In version 2023, the method of handling company selection when starting from a tile has been changed. Previously, if the remaining parameter s were defined in the button configuration, a form was immediately displayed and the company could be changed directly there. Currently, a popup always appears in this situation and the company can be changed later on the form. Users report this as an unfrie (...)

(...) onExecutor.ExecuteUserActionAsync(IElementForm form, MenuActionButton button, String formRowVersion) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.WfDynamic.Services.ActionService.InvokeMenuActionAsync(InvokeMenuActionparameter s param) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.WfDynamic.WFDynamicLiteManager.InvokeActionAsync(InvokeMenuActionparameter s formparameter s) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.API.FormsController.InvokeMenuAction(Invo (...)

(...) gned. In the app settings on my mobile phone (Android), all notifications are activated and the app has permission to send messages. In the Designer Studio the Chechbox is activated in the Global parameter s. Unfortunately, no push messages are triggered. Where else did I miss something? Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Matthias

(...) Hello everyone, I've got a use case, where users want to make a specific path always redirect them to a specific dashboard. Right now, the returnurl parameter is built dynamically, and we (developers) don't have almost any possibilities to change that behavior (we can create our custom links, so there is some). In most cases it will work like that IF user opened element from the dashboard, but that's no (...)

(...) have readonly permissions granted based on instance attribute. (use case: Incoming invoice visibility for users depends on invoice types.) Proposal: in archiving action it would be nice to have a parameter to control permission inheritance. What do you think about it? Thanks!