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(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Wojciech Mleczko   The default WEBCON BPS installation contains the WEBCON BPS Search Server component, which is responsible for full-text search support. This component consists of several elements: Apache Solr (with Apache ZooKeeper) Java WEBCON BPS Search Service   WEBCON BPS Search Service is responsible for starting/sto (...)

(...) the system. The “Synchronization mode” parameter defines whether the action is to wait for the synchronization process to complete. Both synchronization modes are described in the context help in the system under the “F1” button (and in the Managing BPS groups). After going through the accept path, let’s check if the group is available in the system. To do this, (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction Task creation is one of the basic functionalities enabling the creation of instance workflows in WEBCON BPS. Tasks in the system can be created in the step configuration on a given path or as an action that can be placed e.g. on the entry to the step. This article describes the “Create a task action&rdqu

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Paweł Fijał   Introduction When creating the instance workflow in WEBCON BPS, they may be a situation where we would like the attachment added on the form to be stored in the cloud e.g. in OneDrive. People who are not taking part in the process will be able to access it. This article describes how to add attachments to OneDrive using the REST a

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction The form menu in WEBCON BPS allows you to define additional options available at the top of the form of a given application. Except for standard options such as “New”, “Save”, “Refresh” or “Delete”, you can also control the workflow paths directly from here. This

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   WEBCON BPS offers you several actions enabling integration with the Microsoft SharePoint Online environment and SharePoint workflows. This article describes how to manage these privileges using actions in workflows.   1. SharePoint Site Collection To configure the actions running in the SharePoint Online environmen

(...) le, enter the appropriate workflow instance ID.   Fig. 7. The expression editor of the rule   Validations can check not only numerical values, but also date and time fields, text field contents, picker fields and values of other form fields.   Fig. 8. The configuration of the validation action for checking the date and time fields   The validation c (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction WEBCON BPS contains a built-in administration tool that allows you to quickly transfer or copy privileges from one user to another. This function can be used at the moment of changes in the structure of the organization or when delegating responsibilities to a new person in a given process.   Configurat

(...) the Advanced Configuration menu, you can change: "Group display name" –  you can set it to show the name of the group ("Form field name") or to hide it ("No text "). It is recommended to display the name of the group to make it easier to navigate the form. However, you may want to hide it to get a  blank space in your form instead of the group name. (...)

(...) sing rules. Here, you will use a rule to create a checkbox for hiding or displaying the Contractor field. Go to the Configuration tab (under Workflows), choose Form rules and click on the New rule text . A window will open. Under the header that says General, find Rule name and write in the blank space right to it this name: Show/hide the Contractor (case). Then, look under the header Definition (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik WEBCON BPS compact forms adapt the application's main form to work on mobile devices and small screens. The compact appearance may differ from the main form in the layout, order of the fields, and other aspects. When you create an application with the main form on the WEBCON BPS platform, the system automatically creates its compact ve

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik With WEBCON BPS, you can color the background of the item list form field. This functionality can facilitate data interpretation and increase transparency when presenting a lot of data.  This article will present the available options for coloring the background of the item list. Go to the coloring settings, open the item list

(...) p; A new column configuration window will be displayed. The language in which the formula should be defined is SQL. In the calculated column, use the field names from the database (e.g., WFD_Atttext 1) - it will return the value from the form field for a given instance.   Fig.3 Selecting data type returned in the column   Calculated columns can have one of the defin (...)

(...) t;Hyperlink (URL) field" and click on the button with three dots (…) on the right.   The configured hyperlink looks like this:   /db/1/app/13/start/wf/8/dt/8/form?Atttext 1=Build the new reports for Q3 2020&PARENT_WFDID=7&AttDateTime1=2020-08-05T00:00:00&AttChoose2=4#Reports&AttChoose1=1#High   The expression has two parts. The first part sta (...)

(...) ubsite will be created; click on the three dots (…) next to it to choose it from a list of available parent sites, Title - site name, Description - site description, URL name – the text that will be displayed in the website address path.   Fig.3 Action configuration for “Create a site”   You can save the address of the newly created site i (...)

(...) d in which you want to save the link.   Fig.7 Configuration options for “Create a site” Please note that this form field type has to be set to “Single line of text ”. Additionally, you have to open the “Advanced configuration” for this form field and tick “Hyperlink field” (you can also tick “Open in new window” bel (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   The article is an update of the already existing article, for the original see Importing and exporting data from an item list.   Introduction WEBCON BPS offers you the ability of importing data to the item list from an Excel file and exporting rows from the item list to an xlsx file. This article describes

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The article is an update of an already existing article; for the original see: HotFolder - adding scanned files to process.   Introduction One of the WEBCON BPS basic features is pairing scanned documents with their electronic version (based on barcodes) and starting new workflows for files added to the configured folde

(...) ticle, we will only add a description of the login page and a description of the page for changing the password: Login page description. Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -SignInPageDescriptiontext  "<p>Click <A href='/adfs/portal/updatepassword/'>here</A> to change your password.</p>"   Description for th (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The WEBCON BPS platform has mechanisms for importing and exporting application templates between environments, e.g., test and production environment or WEBCON BPS On-Premises and the Cloud Platform environment. One of the possible uses of this functionality is testing your application in the test environment, exporting the application tem