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for REST

(...) e)? Which field values should we generate so that there are no problems with the operation of the application. Of course, WFF_STPID - step ID, WFD_DTYPEDID - form ID depends on the process, and the REST , e.g. RowVersion (some hexadecimal value) ? And other?

(...) ngs for SQLLowPrivilegeUser. Has anyone encountered this error in a newly configured webcon environment? 04.07.2023 Closing. The error was caused by an IIS setting. IP Address and Domain REST rictions/Edit Dynamic REST riction Settings/Deny IP Address based on the number of concurrent requests - There was a maximum of 5 requests. Disabling this option cleared the errors in Webcon.

(...) Hi, I have a BPS installation on Active Directory called ABC.local. The organization is sunsetting this domain and moving to another AD foREST called XYZ.local. In both domains, John Kowalsky has a separate account: in the ABC.local domain, it's abc\jkowalsky and in XYZ.local, the login is via UPN john.kowalsky@org.pl. Fortunately, we can pair accounts in both domains by email address. How can I migra (...)

(...) Hello everyone! I have an item list with a dropdown field where user chooses a WFD_ID value. I would like to execute an action (Update related workflow instance or Invoke REST web service) passing the WFD_ID chosen in the mentioned field to the action. Is something like that even possible? I can't find a solution myself. Thank you, M.

(...) erent user than on the Dev server - installation seems to be the same (the same users etc.). Is there any option/installation parameter that causes the execution of TEST SQL may be different than the REST of the environments? Test server query execution: declare @cookie************************************** varbinary(8000); execute as user = 'bps_user' with cookie into @cookie***************** (...)

(...) ot attached - it gives an overview how it is done :) * Of course behind the scenes there is a lot of technical fun :) E.g. Prefix to group links is taken taken from configuration (via WebCon BPS REST API) so every time we had to change the WEbCon BPS Portal address we just changed portal address in one place. Please notice the screenshot attached - it gives an overview how it is done :) BPS (...)

(...) in the context of the logged in user, not in the context of the application. That's why I added authorizations in webcon: screen1 I added a connection to this authorization: screen2 Then in the REST action I added this connection. On the graph api side, added Group.ReadWrite.All delegated permissions, approved by the admin. The user who invokes the REST actions is the owner of the AAD gr (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a question for you, maybe you can help me. I know you can set user privileges for each application or process separately, but I wonder if I can also REST rict user visibility depending on some criteria.. For this scenario I've created: BPS user group: Software Engineer person X, person Y, person Z are part of software group Let's say there are also multiple projects and (...)

(...) vironment (3). Which caused the problem . By changing the columns of the report in the source database, for example clicking the "default view" checkbox twice, (4), the variable definitions had been REST ored (5). You can execute this SQL statement to verify if there's something for you to do. It should not return any rows. SELECT TOP (1000) [ARP_ID],[ARP_APPID] ,[ARP_Name],[ARP_Configuration] (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I have a questiion about dashboards: 1. I have a custom dashboard, where I have only HTML element. In this element I'm using REST API to get report (made earlier) and thanks to that I can customize it with js, css. The question is, is it possible to have functionality of view the element like in report? Explaining, when I have a report and I click element I have a compact view or some (...)

(...) so i can grant "readonly" privilege to a group on a instance. /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/admin/privileges I have added App.Elements.Admin.All permission. But i get error: Invoke REST Web service - Request Url: https://domain/api/data/v4.0/db/1/elements/2450/admin/privileges Response Code: BadRequest (400) Exceptions: REST service call failed. Http code BadRequest (400). Inspect l (...)

(...) t form fields based on a dropdown selection which gets its data from a sharepoint list. I can set the value from the selection just fine. However I can only access the data with type ID and Name. The REST of the data has no type and does not show up for any rules I want to configure. How can I address this data in the form? Thanks Oliver

(...) My database goes into "Recovery Pending" mode which causes a program HTTP error 502.5. REST arting the SQL Server service solves the problem, but this has happened several times, does anyone know why this is happening?

(...) Hi, I really like the new path authorization feature and we will surely use it. The geolocation is also an inteREST ing addition but if it's used in combination with the path authorization it will created unexpected results. I noticed that the geolocation of the browser is used, even if path authorization with method "application" is used. If this method is used, it would be great to use the loca (...)

(...) ion that creates a folder within a document library on SharePoint and needs to upload files to the newly created folder. I am encountering difficulties in uploading the file to SharePoint using the REST action with the Graph API. I get this error: "Invoke REST Web service test (2) - Request Url: https://login.microsoftonline.com/f656719a-4d1c-482b-be59-564f8c2af72d/oauth2/v2.0/token Respon (...)

(...) Hi, I am currently exploring options for viewing documents within Webcon. Specifically, I am inteREST ed in understanding whether there is a possibility to visualize a document by providing a link that points to a document stored either on SharePoint or within a SQL Server database. My goal is to enable the automatic display of the associated document in preview mode when a user selects a record i (...)

(...) rse groups (history and plans) by forming an appropriate filtering the the sql query. The vacation chart can be used for several other applications than just vacation. The currently applied filtering REST ricts these uses, really.

(...) e in every step or last steps etc). After the update buttons apear on the form but after clicking there is error... and users cant use it. Is it new feature or is it a bug. It looks like some save REST rictions - but it was not the case in 2022 ver. Do you have any idea how to change it? Thanks. msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | ex: System.ServiceMod (...)

(...) y response called '(n/a). While the n/a answer is applicable I want to enable the description column. However, I cannot use the enable on choice field. I have tried to put condtions in a 'column edit REST ricion' but this does not work as it would require add another response and that is not what buisness would like.

(...) - this is the message I receive from Designer Studio, and from the BPS Portal level, after authentication, the login window pops up again. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I will add that I REST arted the WebCon service, REST arted the application server and IIS. When REST oring the server from a backup, authentication works. I upgraded again (authentication stopped working) -> I just unins (...)