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(...) Hi there. I have a idea and am looking on a way to make it happen. We want to use Docusaurus for a documentation of a system. For this I need the text in markdown format/notation/language (I'm not sure what the correct word is for this). What I need on top of the "actual document" is the life-cycle of the single articles/pages, i.e. the development of the content (history) and the review and ap (...)

(...) that have an aditional filter. The filter should only allow entries that are higher than a Decimal Field in the Form. Somthing like in the Picture. But this did not work.... Has someone an idea ?

(...) Dropdown list and One Person then I can do Filter to Itemlist B ... If in Drop down list I have got 2 or more people then filter is not working because is more than One ... so ... I dropped that idea because Item list is more readable than dropdown list ... And now I stopped on depending Item Lists ... :/

(...) ts/post/integrating-ms-teams-with-ms-graph/53/4 Microsoft Learn Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chatmessage-get?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http Unfortunately, I have no idea how to implement the delegated permissions in WEBCON. Does WEBCON authentication have to be implemented via Azure AD (Entra ID) so that the user's token is available? We are currently using our local (...)

(...) .GetNotSerializedResponse(RestLogger log, Boolean expectContinue) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Actions.Logic.Webservices.REST.InvokeRESTWebServiceAction.d__5.MoveNext() Do you have any idea s why it is happening? Version 2023.1.2.68 Thanks.

(...) Hi everybody, has anybody an idea how I could manage to make (copy) out of a base64 type picture field an attachment for a bunch of instances? I.e. I have an QR code within my workflow instance as picture field. But I need to export it for external use. Kind regards Klaus

(...) ied date and business entity which is currently not possible. I'm writing this post right now because I just received again a "bug" description without a link or even an instance id. I have a good idea which process the description is related to and in which timeframe the user worked with it but this doesn't help me because the date: - I may not change the report views - The "recent activities" (...)

(...) der of the validation message. This often results in unnecessary logging of error reports from users who do not read the content, but only suggest that there is an error. Perhaps it would be a good idea to change the content of the header to something else that does not suggest an error, or allow it to be defined per action or globally? Regards.

(...) Completion - All" and their name is logged. But when these "special users" finish their task, it logs "Information (editing allowed)" and their name. The workflow then goes into the next step? Any idea s? Thank you!

(...) it in the dashboard and even trying to select the margins, it doesn't fit in the page, like I just want to check the first 5 news and get a scroll. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but do you have any idea s? Thank you

(...) [Delete] button on element, as in the attachment. Also tried the archive action in button (removing completely from the database) with no luck as well. Do not want to remove it manually from DB. Any idea s how to do that? Version 2023.1.2.68

(...) I would like to send an email with a link to the client. Clicking on the link signifies ACCEPTANCE. Such acceptance would trigger a transition path in WEBCON. How can this be done? Do you have any idea s? The client is an external user.

(...) I already posted my idea in 2022 (26.09.2022: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2230), but i have a new project in August, where such a feature would be nice. I have some idea s for a plugin (as far as I remeber, a problem is the DPI from the Signature field being higher than of picture fields) -> Wouldn't that be a nice new feature? 26.09.2022: ======== Hello WEBCON, we are working o (...)

(...) Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Or maybe no one uses WebCon without local domains? Impossible! So... How to build WebCon BPS with EntraID as the only source of identity? I have some idea s for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will never have access to classic domain controllers I need a full user database on EntraID (AAD). I tried with the free (...)

(...) How to import files from a folder into the Webcon application. It's not about using the HotFolder functionality. Do you have any idea s?

(...) te] path before data is updated with new value. I can't really move it to 'On entry' of next step, because the next step might be dynamic - I'm using 'Previous step' configuration path target. Any idea s what could i try here? :) * https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/pending-in-transaction-vs-pending-after-transaction/347/3

(...) t supported at the moment and you can achieve this already with the current options, but it requires a dedicated implementation for each mail instead of a general approach. It may also be a stupid idea and I only came up with it as I'm also a developer at heart who tends to abstract more than necessary. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) turned a string and now it seems that an Object is expected with a "comments" array. I see no option to set "hasCustomModel" to true. The "change" function (1) has only one parameter and I have no idea how I could triggere the "changeFormField" directly so that I could provide "options". Has someone else run into this? Edit: In the mean time I changed the newData so that the checks are succ (...)

(...) Hi, I have problem with the licence service shutting down on the version 2023.1.3.169. Sevice shuts down 3 times a day. So that we have to restart the whole server. Do you have any idea how to fix this problem?

(...) rd', '')" } } ] } But on suborders there is no WFD_AttBool2 if i understand it well. I've tried using _12 (this is the alias of the column generated by webcon), but no luck. Any idea s how to make it work? :)