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(...) I have the challenge to read form fields of a pdf document and store them in the workflow instance . The idea is, to implement an sdk custom action, where I am able to configure a mapping between the pdf form fields and fields of the workflow instance . The ideal solution is having two columns in a dynamic grid (similar as in the image attached), where i am able to add as many rows as i need. One to def (...)

(...) (in brackets in the example). I then would use this to replace the standard "My Tasks"- section which i think is a good idea but not of much use, because it's lacking: a) possibility to fade the "instance preview cards" out - this bar just uses way too much space that might be missing on the form then b) a chance to filter for workflows (and maybe other parameters)

(...) Adding possibility to add SQL row as a column could be also a workaround to achieve that. Right now (BPS 2020...434) is is only possible to add instance number from system fields to mass notifications.

(...) . I'm sure there is an easy solution but can't figure it out at the moment. I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in a field when starting a new workflow and I don't want to use the instance Number to achieve that. I have a process ABC with field WFD_AttText1. How do I prevent the user to enter a value that already exists in the field WFD_AttText1 of the process ABC? Thank you.

(...) rd through all documents in a report via the report's search panel, using the "Search in Attachments" option. As the hitlist was way too small I got called. I found out that the result only includes instance s that have the searched term somewhere in the metadata. If i do a global search I get hundreds of hits - so the documents are properly indexed, and can be found when searched. The report is SQL base (...)

(...) Dear all, what would be the best practice to update/change the Business Entity of an instance ? Background: I would like to create an application containing people related to a company respective business entity. Over the time it is possible they would change the company and so also the business entity. I found a dirty way by using an SQL Update directly on the WFElements table, but I am struggling by r (...)

(...) What would be the best method to get the attachments of an instance inside an SDK plugin in order to make use of them in C# code?

(...) What would be the best method to remove rows from the item list of an instance inside an SDK plugin in order to make use of them in C# code? I tried to remove rows from the item list in the code C# (SDK plugin ) using function : WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.ItemsLists.ItemsList.RemoveAt(int index), but can't delete all the rows because I get the error from the image

(...) According to the query plan, LIKE searches account for 98% of the query cost. The query with an exact match (=) is 2% of the query cost. Due to the very high yield for the environment (large BPS instance s), I propose to create a new type of selection attributes, where we give up filtering, and for columns intended for searching, we will add an additional search method parameter to the database: LIKE% (...)

(...) Hi, I have noticed that you can create multiple content databases on one Webcon installation. Why and how would you actually use that? It would be great if you could segregate the instance s of different business entities in different databases, but I am not sure that is possible. What else do you know about this subject of multiple content databases on the same Webcon portal. Thanks, Razvan

(...) Hello, I have a problem while adding a barcode. The instance is moving to the next step but the action is not executing, does not show any error and is not even logged in the history and is not adding a barcode. Does anyone had this problem on the latest version( 2021.1.3.163 ) , some thoughts ?

(...) Hi there, while starting a new instance , i am giving the users the ability to make a save for the moment (caching all inputs so far), so they could finish the instance later. If the user wants to start that instance again, all input fields are invisible and a DATA TABLE shows the already started instance including LINKS to that instance . I would like to have that links opened in the existing window, bu (...)

(...) 234-aefe-df17ef065005 ServiceLocationProvider must be set. In event log: Message=SOLR not initialized Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr StackTrace= w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.Getinstance [T]() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.DirectSolrIndexAdder.AddToIndex(BPSActivity activity, ActivityTypes type) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Solr.SolrLogger.AddWithDirectSolrAdder(BPSActivity activity, Ac (...)

(...) Hi, I really like the new default picker option "Show link to selected workflow instance ". Unfortunately it's only available for the data source "BPS Internal view". If I select a dictionary and probably a template process, it's not available. Therefore I have to create an Internal view in addition to the automatically created dictionary data source. For those who don't know what this option does: The p (...)

(...) Ok, now that my PS script is running, in this particular instance I need to grab a variable result and assign that value to a form field. Simply assigning the Form Field = $psvar isn't working. Is this possible?

(...) When the user sets up a Subworkflow using the SQL version, it's not possible to save the ID of the instance created. This is only allowed doing other type of actions and most of the times returning Concurrency Errors in the system. This is allowed already in the Subworkflow normal version.

(...) Hi everyone, this post is for the few how develop processes OnPrem and import them to an WEBCON Apps instance . All others can ignore this post. I just encountered a little problem. If you have business rules with multiple parameters you need to verify that the parameters have been imported in the correct order. It may happen that this is not the case, (1) in the screenshot. Otherwise the values may be a (...)

(...) Con Team, we just updated to 2021.1.4.55 and recognized, that the so long working function "Attachments Count" does not work properly any longer on the intital step of a workflow as long there is no instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploaded or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. T (...)

(...) Con Team, we just updated to 2021.1.4.55 and recognized, that the so long working function "Attachments Count" does not work properly any longer on the intital step of a workflow as long there is no instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploaded or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. T (...)

(...) ere is an attachment in the item list, and I delete it in the item list, it will still be visible in the attachments section. 2b.) If I delete the attachment from the attachment section and save the instance , it will be deleted from everywhere, but in the item list a red text announces that the document has been deleted. Using the detach option in the context menu of the deleted attachment doesnt work, m (...)