For a customer we need ISO week numbers integrated into the date picker feature. Sales managers schedule promotions with forecasts, which they need to transfer to demand planners. This process relies heavily on identifying the correct week number. Currently, they have to open Outlook to cross-reference week numbers with corresponding dates, which is time-consuming and disrupts their workflow. F
(...) I searched the site and found the latest post on AAD from 2021, and only one request for help with EntraID... Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Or maybe no one uses WebCon without local domains? Impossible! So... How to build WebCon BPS with EntraID as the only source of identity? I have some ideas for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will never (...)
(...) Hi, I have one major problem with the AD d privileges action. It works when I AD d privileges to single users but doesn't apply when I choose a group as a USER / SQL query. On the Instance level there is information that the Group has privileges but members of the group do not have access to the instance. AD ditionally when I AD d privileges to the group manually users of the group can see th (...)
Probably in 2023 is not present "used" in path "properties" ... I'm using 2022.1.4.404 and if i want to see where the path is used ... I need to "delete path" because: - in path - I don't have attribute property "used" - on automation is not showing where on path is used ... - if is deleted it show connection but there is no "link by click" to jump to Automation / form automation to path
(...) Hi, Having AD min privileges on a given element, it would be very convenient to have access to at least 2 options such as: permission check and task completion. Now you need to perform 3 operations 1. enter AD min mode 2. expand AD min actions 3. select the action in question Regards
(...) ike this: ( SELECT dbo.ClearWFElem(WFD_AttChoose2) /* Customer */ FROM WFElements JOIN WFSteps ON WFD_STPID = STP_ID JOIN WorkFlows ON WF_ID = STP_WFID WHERE WF_GUID = 'af556142-7AD 9-44e1-9xy2-550c2cxz361cf' AND /* GUID WF Order */ WFD_ID = wfelems.WFD_AttChoose5_ID /* Field Order Relation */ ) This works pretty good, although i can't get a grasp how to make it work with (...)
(...) Is it possible that the window in Designer Studio for AD ding/edit user group has a flexible [Users] field and a locked [Group owners] field size. The opposite of now. There are usually more users than owners ;) AD ditionally it would be good if the users were also sorted alphabetically. Regards,
(...) Hi, I would have two ideas/requests (probably simple) regarding the SQL editor 1. The SQL query editor should have a monospace font 2. The SQL query after copying to SMSS/notepAD has unnecessary newlines. Is it possible not to AD d newlines? regards
(...) Hi everyone, maybe someone of you has a guess what we can do. - We have an environment with 6 content databases - We have a process which manages the members of a BPS group. - We use the AD d/Remove single user to BPS groups to AD d a single user in synchronous mode (1) - Even so the action times out after 50 seconds it's marked as completed successfully in the history (2) - The duration of (...)
(...) Hi. AD ding users to groups causes an update of the user properties which downloAD s objects from Azure AD . Depending on the environment it can take quite a long time. - (7/2/2024 2:33:46 PM) Step started: DownloAD selected objects from Azure AD if required - (7/2/2024 2:35:44 PM) Step completed: DownloAD selected objects from Azure AD if required (duration: 118687 ms) While this is not (...)
(...) ndow is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by AD ding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.
(...) Hi, as always, when there's a new functionality, there will be immediately requests for a second improved version. :) - AD ditional widget type 'Text', which will output any text and not only numbers. For example to display information like "open/closed" sub workflows: 2/4. - A form rule can be executed what should happen when the user clicks on it. We could display a tab for example or execut (...)
(...) Group = new AttachmentsGroup(Configuration.informationNecessary.GropuName.Split('#')[0], Configuration.informationNecessary.GropuName.Split('#')[1]); new DocumentAttachmentsManager(args.Context).AD dAttachmentAsync( new AD dAttachmentParams() { Attachment = newAttachmentData, SkipPermissionsCheck = true, DocumentId = Convert.ToInt32(Configuration.informationNecessary.InstanceID) } ); T (...)
(...) Hi, it would really be great to AD d support for the hyperlink action on the attachment menu. The only AD ditional thing which would be required is the id of the current attachment. The hyperlink action supports executing JavaScript and one use case would be to trigger the print dialog without opening the preview. While this is one there may be other use cases which is the reason why I don't r (...)
Hello, I have a question regarding attachments. Is there a way to remove the "[None]" option and see only the categories from the selected datasource? Thank you for your help!
I noticed in Webcon 2022.1.4.404 if I do action "Send custom email" and the action is not related with "Action templates" then there is no prefix if action is saved as "Action templates" and template is using "default" Template - no prefix but if any Action template is using "E-mail notifications" template then prefix appears like: "[PROBPS#21293]" I don't know where I can configure it t
(...) ked if is posible to set Webcon to: - if you are in "My tasks" where you have got: New / My / CC to set webcon to not be in edit mode just in reAD ? I remember i was reAD about that - but this setup is for whole process (form) /2975 OK: - for step - for whole process Question is - it is possib (...)
(...) "Edit" / "reAD " mode in "My tasks" depending from bps group for particular apps / processes ect. or user settings in account. possibility to set behave to particular group of users (webcon group) if some one is in that group - reAD only - need to "click edit" to edit others - edit as standard or ... (maybe better) In User Account - option to pick - do you wish to have my tasks in edit mo (...)
(...) Error code: 100 ThreAD was being aborted. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Actions.Engine.ActionObject`1.d__9.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Actions.Engine.ActionObject`1.DispatchAsync() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.d__23.MoveNext() Thre (...)
(...) Data sources TAB in Application - AD d column with "Access to data in the context of system account" NO I need to click one by one to check if is marked or in each attribute "arrow" next to data source and jump to data source and then check is picked ... (in some scenario arrow is not active Application .. then the data source .. pick proper one and then check ... ) Could be easier to see (...)