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(...) ead of that it would be nice to have a DATA TABLE with _links_ to all former files, so e.g. the editing person could open the original word file, edit it and attach the modifed version to the new instance . I have the WFD_ID of the original instance as technical field. Has anybody an idea, how i could create those links? Thanks in advance, Bjoern

(...) Hi, I am trying to move multiple related child instance s through an action. I tried doing that with the “Move workflow (SQL)” action. The query I used can be found in the Attachments. The table I get also looks fine, but I still get the Error "Incorrect column PATH_ID format". I already checked all of the IDs, they should all be fine. I used the following thread as a reference: https://alterpaths.com/ (...)

(...) Hi, as it is not possible to delete unwanted business entities when there are instance s with them being used in it would be nice to have a parameter to deactivate them to make them disappear in the BE-field.

(...) Hi folks, It seems like the Popup Search Windows has a limit of items which can be selected. I need to have at least 40-50 items selected, but after about 20, (only after saving the instance ) it cuts all the others out which were selected.... Is there a way around this problem? I have to use the popup search window, because changing it now, would lead to dataloss of all already created instance s (...)

(...) Hi folks, My goal is to send an email when a comment has been entered in a instance . Sadly I have found no way to find out if there has been a new comment to trigger an email action on path traversal. I hope someone can help out. Best regards Fabia

(...) it to do with security settings? (I learned that signing with a certificate is not modifying the document but overwriting it) It would be a big step if I could sign pdf documents within a workflow instance . Kind reagrds, KLaus

(...) Whenever I try to change the language of column "instance number", my report throws up this error "An item with the same key has already been added". How to fix this issue? Please suggest.

(...) t a notification email for information, the receipient doesnt have a task in the step. So i defined a template, put fields and grids in, and lokked at the preview. Whatever i try, if I test with an instance that is currently in a step that is avi for MailApproval, Webcon adds the available path-buttons to the end of the email. This will confuse people that are only meant to be notified a lot. We are us (...)

(...) Currently I'm migrating files from SharePoint to a custom built WEBCON DMS application. Normally the instance number is generated according to a rule which is perfect for new files. The customer wants to keep their document numbering. For the existing files I would like to update the instance number (Database: WFD_Signature) using a small SQL script. But is it safe and is it wise to do that? I'm aware (...)

(...) 9 ConnectionString: Data Source=SQLServer;Initial Catalog=BPS_Config_19T;User ID=BPS_SQLUser;Password=xxxx Unhandled exception. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance -specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to al (...)

Hello again, here is a next issue that I assumed to have fixed with the latest version of BPS, using 2022.1.3.65. I have a web service that has the structure as given in screenshot 1 (attached). The screenshot shows my configuration within a little test app. When I start this action, the request body fully ignores all data regarding the item lists as given in the dump below. (Hint: The

(...) I have a scenario where i need to get a variable amount of CSV files as attachments into a running process instance . The problem is that these CSV files are created by an outside system and can only be identified by the path in which they are stored and the creation date of the file. I can find these files with a PowerShell action but i have no clue how to add them as attachments to my workflow. At the p (...)

(...) ere in the process. So this can be quite time consuming. Having a preview functionality would add a great value to WEBCON BPS. As we already have the option to load the form values from a workflow instance , the next step would be hitting the preview button to have a look at the filled template in a new document. Like it is being done in Word when using the mailing functionality. :)

(...) Hi, here is another task I need your help to get it completed: 1) Scenario A hot mailbox creates a new instance within the process and from there WEBCON BPS sends an email out. The user replies to this second email and the hotmailbox has been configured to add this reply into the original instance as attachment. This is done by adding the instance ID into the mail body and works without issues. (...)

(...) he action itself, but this just masks the mail and possibly be picet out by spam filters. We wonder if there is a proper way to set the sender adress or even SMTP server per applikation on one Webcon instance ? Regards Fabian :)

(...) Hi All, We had some difficulties with archiving. We had a campaign to move to archive approx 200.000 instance s. It was working very slow, taking 5-6 secs per instance . After some investigation, we found out, we can speed it up with an additional index on WFElementTasks. After creating the index - CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_WFELementTasks_Finished ON dbo.WFELementTasks (WFT_WFHIDTaskFinished)- i (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I have a process that creates a timeout that will be triggered at the given date. Is there a way to remove this timeout for the specific instance manualy (somewhere in the Studio?)? As I think of it now, one thing comes to my mind, please correct me if I'm wrong. If I will take the instance and run it through a path pointing to the same step (final step actualy) with the timeout action (...)

(...) The substitutions could be a system field so that in the reports it would be possible to see if the instance has a substitute assignee or not instead of manually open each instance to check.

(...) • Finance. I need to have a rule looking at this field to check if in the second part of the department, I have a specific work, however, Contains function is not working properly, sending all the instance s for manager approval. I've tried to do a Split, which makes the character as ; but still, Contains does not work. Does anyone have any idea? Thank you for the help!!

(...) certain amount of databases, which we then have access to. The question is, is it even possible to install Webcon into existing databases (e.g. Config, Content, Att,...) or do we need a fresh SQL instance from the customer and an admin account with db_creator or sysadmin rights (as described in the installation manual)? Sorry for the somehow unclear question... Thanks in advance & best regards, (...)