(...) 3/2022 2:12:06 PM Error: Incorrect data for translation at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.OwnersSetterForTranslates.SetOwners(MappingList mappingList, IExportlog ger exportlog ger) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.OwnersSetter.SetOwners(MappingList mappingList, IExportlog ger exportlog ger) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.ExportMana (...)
(...) r your help in advance. Best, Ingo (Begin Dump) C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal>webcon.bpscloud.portal URL: http://*:48439 ConnectionString: Data Source=SQLServer;Initial Catalog =BPS_Config_19T;User ID=BPS_SQLUser;Password=xxxx Unhandled exception. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a conn (...)
(...) I am using the free version with a limit of 10GB. Recently I received a message - Failed to execute 'setitem' on Storage: Setting the value of 'ExpandFormButtonlog ID' exceeded the quota. I checked and the base was 9600MB. I did a shring database and reduced it to 4500MB. Today, I have the same error with a 4600MB database. Is this the end of working with the free version?
(...) equest body must contain the following parameter: 'grant_type' I attached a couple of screenshots of the configuraiton. And here's the full error message: Request Start Request-Url: https://log in.microsoftonline.com/[I SANITIZED IT]/oauth2/v2.0/token Request-Header: Scope: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default Request-Body: { "Grant_Type":"client_credentials", "client_id":"[I SANITIZ (...)
(...) rosoft stopped support of basic auth... Oh, I forgot to mention: I have reactivated Basic Auth for all the protocols available in the article https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog /basic-authentication-deprecation-in-exchange-online-september/ba-p/3609437 . Still no luck... maybe some more time is needed for changes to take effect.
(...) disk and tried to attach in the new version and I get a message "The MailMessage is corrupted" but it is not true. do you also have such problems? do you know how to solve the problem? Message log : msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | hre (...)
(...) Hi, In the log s, we are seeing the following error: "Dynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain" Since the error started appearing, some form fields that get data from SQL query stopped working. What could be the issue and solution? Thanks in advance Mark
(...) request :/api/data/ I got this response, so it should work in my version. { "apiVersions": [ { "version": "2.0", "url": "/api/data/v2.0", "log inUrls": [ "/api/log in", "/api/oauth2/token" ] }, { "version": "3.0", "url": "/api/data/v3.0", " (...)
(...) em is in thread https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/776 but solution which community suggest there doesn't help me. I've tried to restart Webcon WorkFlow Service but it's still not work. In log : Message=SOLR not initialized Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr StackTrace= at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.DirectSolrIndexAdde (...)
(...) hat can it result from? Message=Value cannot be null. Parameter name: text Source=Aspose.Words StackTrace= at Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.(String , Boolean ) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.log ic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDetailSectionGenerator.InsertAutoPostBackCell(String name) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.log ic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDeta (...)
(...) Hi all, I am quite new to webcon and I came over this. We have a form with a item list. The item list is initialized from external source. It shall represent a log file for some measured values. The lines in the item list shall be every 10 minutes, so I initialize the list with 100 x 10 minutes line. Hence, the user shall not be able to delete or duplicate records / lines from the item list. (...)
(...) is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user log in (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current user but all instances created by John's team? At he moment John is s (...)
(...) Hi all! We have an application which offers a portal for different customers. Each customer has different persons with individual log ins (BPSId). This list of persons can change from time to time, so we need to adjust rights on certain workflow elements (in different processes) to this specific list of persons. I am wondering if it is possible (with Webcon Standard actions) to replace privil (...)
(...) Dear All we are looking to embadd Webcon's for into our interal SP intranet therfore we have ancountered and issue of SSO (do not want people to log in twice especcialy that this is a very light process witht 2 filed to be filled in). has anyone tackeled this issue as it seems that there is not standard out of the box solution. thanks
(...) on step (with the preview and yellow hihglights). Only the ones added after the update display as if there was no OCR at all. Text layer is being aplyied as it should. No errors concerning OCR in the log s... Any ideas?
(...) ecause is slows down loading of the app. Is this normal, do you encounter the same problem? Even though Microsoft shows how to override the Outlook decision, I don't have this option in the addins dialog . I'm personally using Outlook 2016, is this too old for the addin to work?
(...) Hi, what is the proper way to handle AD log in name changes in Webcon? I have this problem: I am synchronized with Windows AD. For instance I have a user in AD with log in username: test.webcon and domain @webcon.com So the UPN for this particular user is test.webcon@webcon.com. And let's say the user changed his name to Test NewWebcon. So the AD administrator changed the user AD log in name (...)
(...) Is there a reference guide to scaling up solr configs beyond the setup done by the installer. I have narrowed down my performance issues to the solr timeout on memory from the log s
(...) Hi, I've created quick paths on reports but it is not always showing in the report. When I log ged in as a one particular user on my laptop, it's working. When the same user is log ged in on her laptop to Webcon, quick path is not not showing at all. Also if I add "Mass actions" buttons, on my laptops are shown, on the same user are always inactive.
(...) you to add/remove users from a group? Maybe I`m missing something, but I can't get the action to remove a user from a group to work. The add user to group action works fine, but when deleting, the log says that user is not a member of selected group. I tried with different groups, making sure that users are synchronized, and even for testing purposes used domain admin account in the AD actions c (...)