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(...) iven task, starting a new task or attaching a file to the workflow. A new WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3.213 version introduces many changes as well as a new way of operating mobile applications. After downloAD ing the new version of the app to devices and updating the WEBCON BPS environment, the mobile applications will be launched in the new mode. The refreshed interface view helps introduce new users the (...)

(...) example of such automation processes is the use of serial correspondence which generates documents based on the specific template in which the fields and values can be changed. These values can be loAD ed from an external data source.   Configuration The topic will be discussed based on a business case in which you want to collect payments from contractors for unpaid invoices. For each (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: AD rian Baszak   Important! Information contained in this article applies to the system version up to 2020.1.3.321.   Introduction Translation of process and application configuration elements is a standard functionality of WEBCON BPS. One such element is the humble e-mail notification – this article describes how to (...)

(...) author: Tomasz Słuszniak   Introduction When implementing projects in WEBCON BPS you can facilitate communication between project members via the Team feature in Microsoft Teams. InsteAD of AD ding a new Team manually, let WEBCON digital process automation help you!  AD ding a new Team can be automated by using the WEBCON BPS when registering a new project workflow – yo (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Michał Kastelik   This article describes: How to start a WEBCON BPS workflow using AD vanced column formatting in the SharePoint library. How to downloAD an attachment from a SharePoint library and insert it in a BPS workflow.    ReAD this article if you are interested in SharePoint workflows mAD e easy by u (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction In the workflows designed in WEBCON BPS, you can enable users to AD d attachments – e.g. .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, tiif, and zip. Their storage location is a particularly important aspect of the system configuration. When organizing your document management system, you can decide to create a separate (...)

(...) kflow went through and what fields were changed.   Fig. 2. The history of the instance   The workflow was changed only once. In the WFHistoryElements table two entries were mAD e – to check this go to the SSMS (“SQL Server Managements Studio”) and create a query about this particular table. Check also the WFElements table – they should be one entry wi (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction When designing processes for business applications, in AD dition to ensuring that the created solution works correctly when it comes to functionality, it is also worth paying attention to the visual side of the form. The form view should be intuitive and understandable to the end user. Each workflow create (...)

(...) p; Introduction WEBCON BPS can be extensively integrated with Microsoft SharePoint Online. This article describes how to start a workflow by using a standard SharePoint list with AD vanced column formatting. In the presented scenario, the SharePoint list will be used to start the workflow of inviting people to the conference – after entering the name and surname, a marke (...)

(...) tionality is useful in various processes such as contracts, vacations, and orders, where it is necessary to submit the document for signature. The following article describes the method of WEBCON BPS AD d-in installation, template preparation and action configuration for generating a .docx document. An example template was based on the employment contract process.   Installation of the (...)

(...) o take into consideration what the end user is expected to do on the form and how to make sure they do it correctly.. A user should be able to discern what value should be entered into what field. In AD dition to thematically grouping form fields, you can also AD d tooltips with instructions next to field labels.   Tooltips Thanks to tooltips on the form, a user has the ability to learn (...)

(...) n is defined as an action or on a given path, without the ability of individual configuration Send a custom e-mail – an action allows to define recipients, CC recipients, template, content or AD d the attachments from the workflow instance   E-mail templates allow you to define the appearance of the e-mail sent in WEBCON BPS, both when sending standard notification and configurab (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction When designing the processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS, it is good to know how the data is stored in the tables, what are the relations between them and how individual information is displayed on the form. This article describes the Calendars table.   Table descr

(...) articles: Absence process types of data sources Leave of Absence (webcon.com)   Fig. 1. The vacation schedule   The data needed to create the vacation process is loAD ed from the typed data source. But when the history of absences is not defined, the data will be loAD ed from the vacation process. It presents the submitted vacation requests – you can decide (...)

(...) nstance saving. We will create the action on the menu button for the purpose of the article. Go to the action configuration on the Department implementation step in the Register a department process. AD d a new button type action in the menu and then, open their configuration.   Fig. 3. AD ding the Hyperlink action   Open in new window - a link will open in a new tab in th (...)

(...) ;sending e-mails with queue support To enable the message queueing, go to the configuration of the “Send a custom e-mail” action and in the “Settings” tab select the “AD d to sending queue” option. This option is set by default.   Fig. 1. The “Send a custom e-mail” configuration   WFMails table structure A description of (...)

(...) d at the process level, instance and type form in the context of a given workflow. The table consists of the following columns: SEC_LevelID – information about the access level: 1 – AD min 2 – Modify without delete 3 – ReAD Only 4 – AD dNew 5 – ReAD Only without attachments SEC_WFDID – a relation regarding to the instance ID SEC (...)

(...) herwise it is not possible to save the process. If you attempt to save a process without a default path selected, the system will select one for you and a prompt will inform you about which path was mAD e the default path.     Example of use An example of using such a solution is an application that allows the teacher to evaluate tests (e.g. in mathematics). The tests will b (...)

(...) re: NodeJS LTS version 10 – currently the highest version supported by SharePoint Framework (the solution works only with this version) Visual Studio Code – or any other AD vanced code editor Yeoman and gulp Yeoman SharePoint generator   After downloAD ing and installing NodeJS, the gulp extension, Yeoman and SharePoint generator can be installed by (...)

(...) imit Item list No limit * Survey fields share limits with other types of form fields because they are only a representation of these types of form fields. If there are alreAD y 30 integer numbers in the process, it is not possible to AD d a survey field (rating scale). The same applies to the picker fields and survey fields (choice list).   Item list columns A (...)