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(...) ack the transaction." if I do SQL SELECT [ATT_ID] FROM [WFDataAttachmets] where ATT_WFDID='{2592}' and in test field is "20008" then I see in designer 4 attachments but in action from (menu button ) -> error .. the same (in theory maybe what I need) [how to find in flow ID of Attachment ? ] -edit -- >> SELECT * FROM [WFDataAttachmets] where ATT_WFDID='{2592}' OK I have what I looki (...)

(...) able column. This works if the item list does not have a lot of lines but if the item list has a long list of lines, this column becomes read-only and the user is only able to edit using the a pencil button that is displayed in each row. Is this a normal behavior? Thank you

(...) n Item List A check if column Person = Person in data sorce - copy all to Item List B and repeat - if i Could initialize it .. could be grate .. if not .. I can add this to step / path ect. / menu button At the moment if I have Dropdown list and One Person then I can do Filter to Itemlist B ... If in Drop down list I have got 2 or more people then filter is not working because is more than One . (...)

(...) Hi guys, got element with over 17k versions in history - it has been updated every 30 mins with a cyclical action. I would like to remove it completely, but am not able to. Got timeout using [Delete] button on element, as in the attachment. Also tried the archive action in button (removing completely from the database) with no luck as well. Do not want to remove it manually from DB. Any ideas how to do (...)

(...) Hello there :) I have a problem when trying to generate a table using the manual initialization via HTML button . It only works when I initialize the table manually. I want to use SQL however, to automate the whole thing. I failed using many Select Statements. What would be the ideal Select statement that would return the days between two dates, which happen to be the attributes? Best Regards, (...)

(...) ssue is the lack of options for design and name changes for "Go to Element" and "Go to Application". Additionally, emails for users who rarely interact with WEBCON often find the "Go to Element" button confusing. It would be desirable for us if the names were customizable and the fields could respond to HTML design instructions. Ideally, it would also be great if images could be used as button s (...)

(...) Just a reminder ;-) : https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1028?messageid=1028 Hello there, with working much more with compact start button s, i am optimizing our older dashboard layouts. We have a few applications, which have many start button s. So i was wondering, if, maybe, in further coming WEBCON versions there could be the possibility to add 2 more "section layouts" like i posted i (...)

(...) We use in one of our applications the option to generate HTML code (for example extra button s performing some actions) in list item lines. For this purpose, data row field type was working well. For example such code: SELECT '➕➖' AS XX Generated two nice button s with + and - that performed some actions. With the current version 2023.1.3.202 WEBCON adds extra " signs, so the entir (...)

Hi, if the browser window is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.

(...) list data row column.: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5247 I tested the most common/likely elements and to verify which are supported by using this SQL query: select 'a tag' + ''+ 'button tag' + ''+ 'div tag' + ''+ '' + ''+ 'img tag' + ''+ 'input tag' + ''+ 'p tag' + ''+ 'span tag' + ''+ 'strong tag' + ''+ '.class'+char(123)+'display:none'+ char(125)+'' + 'nested styles tag' (...)

(...) n send for approval. The next user must select what is the row of interest, but clicking on Select Option column. The thing is that in that step, because I want the item list to be editable, the Add button is available. Is there any way to allow the user to edit the item (to select the row of interest), but not allow to enter new ones? Thank you!

(...) Hi everyone, I've got today a question from my business side if there is a possibility to change how 'Coply link to clipboard' button works. Right now it copies raw URL to the element, so after pasting it into teams it's visible as raw URL. When you copy URL from the browser search bar, it's being pasted as formatted link and it's presented as {Signature} with underscore, and it's blue - so a link. (...)

(...) Hello, I'm trying to create a more complex delete of line function. To explain this briefly, I have a list, where I can't use the normal delete button . So instead, I'm adding one using a dataRow form field, where I call the JS function like this: deteteFunction(list ordinal number); In this list there is a column called IsOld, and it's values can be OLD or NEW. * If the line I want to delete h (...)

(...) s ... if element is not saved - I can not invoke menu - action is "invisible" (do nothing) if element is saved - went by "save path" then when you pick something from dropdown list then invoke menu button and I have filled Technical itemlist. the technical item list i use if you go from start step by "run x-times sub flows" the subflow is signed to each person from tech item list row ... now I c (...)

(...) to scroll down/up between entries. End user wants to delete entries one by one with the deleting bin in the action column. But doing so the form is always scrolling down by its own to reach the Add button at the bottom (turning off the Add button is preventing the form from scrolling down, however the Add button is required for adding single manual entries) Is there a way to avoid such behavior while (...)

(...) s": #{RAW:2621}#, // JSON PAYLOAD "formLayout": { "editability": "Editable" } } ] } Is it possible to update item list using REST for current instance using a path (button ) i press? for example: we have a simple process: START -> FINISH and on this path i have configured my actions and in the end REST action. My situation is that, based on this item list, I am perfo (...)

(...) possible ways to start subworkflows from Excel file? Business case is that, I have MS Excel file with estimated 500 rows. I want to attach sheet to attachments section and start workflow by path or button on menu bar with starting workflow action. Is any way to do it without special SDK customization? Subworkflows should have data from in excel sheet. Every workflow contains one row.

(...) he instructions. I have filled in the domain, the user has the right to view AD, I have checked it by adding a new data source and the data appears there. However, after pressing the Synchronize now button , the message Task has been added to the service appears and nothing happens. No entry in the history appears either, as it is shown in the instructions. What could be the cause? Maciej

(...) Adding a confirmation dialog for the process cloning action. Occasionally, users may accidentally click the clone button , and this accidental click leads to cloning the entire process, along with the full process/action definition, etc.

(...) up with a new navigation structure with folders and elements in these folder with WEBCON BPS 2025, I have even more problems with multilingual elements. My current navigation is like: Main start button Active (folder) History (folder) Administration (folder) Adding elements to the folders was pretty easy but I have no good idea on how to sort the elements in the folder, at least if you suppo (...)