(...) lder. I am encountering difficulties in uploading the file to SharePoint using the REST action with the Graph API. I get this error: "Invoke REST Web service test (2) - Request Url: https://log in.microsoftonline.com/f656719a-4d1c-482b-be59-564f8c2af72d/oauth2/v2.0/token Response Code: Exceptions: Cannot add value because header 'Authorization' does not support multiple values. " I (...)
(...) ement). Still I can't understand why "today" is regarded as the future event and why plans do link to the elements and history events can't. Am I the only one thinking that this is inconsistent and illog ical? Why can't I decide what elements should be displayed in both groups simply by filtering the data sources values?? And why does my old vacation process allow me to display future elements listed (...)
(...) e and webcon would run it on every page load (especially the pages outside of apps as there is no way you could perform anything there now). This way you could force a user to "punch the clock" after log ging to webcon (load and start a dedicated workflow) or show some important information after the user log s in.
(...) urn off the visibility of group names. My idea is to make system do it by itself. One more advantage is that in Designer Studio the groups wouldn't have to be artificially divided - clearer and more log ical appearance.
(...) tion has occurred while executing the request. | ex: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException: Użytkownik nie ma prawa edytowania elementu WorkFlow at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslog ic.Businesslog ic.ElementManagement.WorkFlowObject.WorkFlowObjectForElementFormCreator.CheckPermissions(CreateWorkFlowObjectParams createWorkFlowObjectParams, Boolean saveOnlyComments) at WebCon.Wo (...)
(...) Hello, I am in the process of standardizing our plugin packages. I would like to put all plugins on a common basis in order to be able to reuse functions such as custom log ging methods in each plugin package without copying source code. I have often used nested plugin and configuration classes within a plugin package project. This works without any problems. Example: *** shared project (...)
(...) Hi, OpenID connect is missing custom additional url parameters management functionality. This is required for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, log in customization). More information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#RequestParameters.
(...) " or ' all time I have got error if I remove from string [name] " or ' - then workflow is working [code] Dodaj Sprzedawcę / Kontakt [/code] error: url: https://webcon.xxx/api/log ger | action: ip: xxx | msg: "e": {}, "message": "'' string literal contains an unescaped line break", "name": "SyntaxError", "log Data": { "msg": "Uncaught Exception", "errorMsg": "SyntaxError (...)
(...) ntication has stopped working. WebCon BPS Portal is not located at the specified address - this is the message I receive from Designer Studio, and from the BPS Portal level, after authentication, the log in window pops up again. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I will add that I restarted the WebCon service, restarted the application server and IIS. When restoring the server from a backup, (...)
(...) cipients. Unfortunately, this no longer works after the update to Designer Studio version 2023.1.3.29. But I didn't knowingly change anything about it. To find the error I am now searching the changelog . Unfortunately I can't find all objects by name. Can I somehow search for the ID to get to the relevant location? Example ID 25 Thank you in advance. Regards, Matthias
(...) ding current exchange rates from the NBP. Nothing has changed in the configuration (Webcon 2021.1.5). And the server has a connection to the NBP API service. I cannot find any errors in the service log s Do you have the same problem? Is there somewhere a cut-off date until when the rate should be downloaded? Thank you in advance for your help
(...) ching.LazyEx`1.get_Value() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.AttributeDocTypeAssocCacheEntityCollection.TryGetByAssociation(Int32 dtypeId, Int32 wfconId) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.log ic.Managers.AttributeDocumentTypeAssocsManager.GetAssociations(DocumentType documentType) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.log ic.Managers.DocumentTypesManager.FillDocumentTypes(DocumentTypesCollection d (...)
(...) Message: Błąd wysyłania wiadomości e-mail: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Type: WebCon.WorkFlow.BPS.Abstract.Exceptions.WorkFlowException Source: WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslog ic StackTrace: at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslog ic.Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.d__27.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Run (...)
(...) nee/Manager is multiple value. If there are 2 persons assigned, it doesn't bring that instance in the report. This is my formula (SQL filter): and (WFD_AttChoose1 like trim('##currentlog inname## ' )+'#%' OR WFD_AttChoose6 like trim('##currentlog inname## ' )+'#%') Do you have any tips? Thank you.
(...) --------------------- @app.post("/pdf_text") async def pdf_text(item: PDFItem = Depends(pdf_item_form)) -> dict[int, dict[str, str]]: pdf_text = get_text_from_pdf(item.file.file) log ger.info(f"Extracted text for PDF item with id: {item.id}") return {item.id: {"text": pdf_text}} -------------------- def pdf_item_form( id: int = Form(...), category: Category = (...)
(...) n timeout action as i wanted once one instance starts and reach the next step, the user assigned must receive an email reminder after 5 minutes if the user didnt make and action or even if didnt yet log ged and check the instance.., please note that im using a date field ( date and time) as a start date please advice
(...) Hey, anyone have any idea why the problem appeared? Version installation: current -> 2023.1.3.76 target -> 2023.1.3.118 In changelog s there was information about changes as to the columns in the AdminWFEventlog s table. Last query from profiler: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'WEL_Details_Deprecated' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'dbo.[AdminWFEventlog s]')) (...)
(...) Thanks in advance. Error Stacktrace: Nachricht Fehler Setze Symbol - Fehlerhafte Rezepturen während betreten des Schrittes. (Schritt: Bearbeitung Produktion, Pfad: Ja) Concurrency Error log Error code: 100 Einzelner Wert: Attributwert von "Symbol - Fehlerhafte Rezepturen" auf "" geändert. Concurrency Error bei System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException excepti (...)
(...) Activate roles ADSynchronization (for db: BPS_Content ) ExchangeRates (for db: BPS_Content ) Covers (for db: BPS_Content ) OLAP (for db: BPS_Content ) OcrAiUpload (for db: BPS_Content ) log Cleaner (for db: BPS_Content ) OcrTextLayerUpload (for db: BPS_Content ) OcrAiLearnUpload (for db: BPS_Content ) TasksInfoCalculation (for db: BPS_Content ) ADSyncIncremental (for db: BPS_Con (...)
(...) gs) at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.ActionPlugins.CustomAction`1.WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Interfaces.ActionPlugins.ICustomAction.Run(IRunCustomActionParams parms) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.DataHelpers.SDK.SDKPluginlog ger.ExecuteWithlog s(Action action, Boolean savelog s, Func`1 isSucces) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Actions.PluginExecute.FireAction(InternalWorkFlowObject wfObject, IWFAction wfAction, ITagParser tagParse (...)