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(...) Can anyone recommend some good calculator or formula to calculate the database size increment for demo applications and N users over time ? Condition (no attachments are uploaded) something like: application A or B * user or process * month = yMB data size Rather, it is an order of magnitude to evaluate for these ready-made sample demo applications As far as the attachments can be estima (...)

(...) I admit that I usually do not read the EULA of the software, but this time I made an exception and after reading I have a lot of questions and doubts about the possible scenarios of using the application in both the Express and Enterprise versions. It will be a rather long thread as there will be a lot of inquiries in it. At the beginning of: After reaching the maximum database size for the Exp (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I’m trying to set the color of the cell in a report based on a comparison between the current field (AttDatetime 1) and another column (AttDateTe4). It works if I compare the CurrentField to a fixed value. As soon as I try with the other field name, it doesn’t work anymore. Is it even possible to have such comparison? Thank you, Martin

(...) Is it possible to have the Itemlist action buttons in front of the item list? As most of the time s we have few hundred records and in case of do some action on the itemlist... we need to go to bottom of the item list and scroll to the right and do some action. After the action complets we do the same thing like go to bottom of the page scroll to right and do some action.. Instead if we have the (...)

(...) e if all of you are aware) creating an new instance, ore moving it one step is a verry slow action and if you need to move or create 1000 instances using the default actions you will have to wait sometime s hours. Another problem is that the action is not multithreaded at all. We ave a custommer that needs about 1milion of documents to be generated once a month. That is a lot and using the actions (...)

(...) Hi All I need to ask for your help :) This time I need to update permissions for tasks on separate processes/applications, not linked together. Let's say I want to give permission to read a document for some domain user or user group. The problem is that I can't modify these processes. I cannot modify data from the database side because the manufacturer forbids it :/ My idea is to create a ne (...)

(...) l share some of them in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comments, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: in case of mailapprove, approver sometime s enters some comments in email, which you cannot get back. Proposal: similarly to normal HMB, let's have some parameter-field mapping, to retrieve body of email. What do you think? Thank you! (...)

(...) hem in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comments, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: if you need to use SOAP and get back complex xml, sometime s mapping fails (multi level structures cannot be mapped) Proposal: similary to REST action, give possibility to get back whole respond xml. Then you have the chance to get content with SQL query. (...)

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: longer background processes has to be split to smaller parts to fit in transaction time out limit. For example if you have to move 50-1000 instances each morning taking some minutes, we have to use "select top " and run global action more often (eg. in every 10 minutes) Earlier (before BPS 2020), it was a once a day run. Proposal: have new GA setting to specif (...)

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel tables only if you have a table container already added. Sometime s it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, inst (...)

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: sometime s we get many page documents, but in most cases valuable information is on first few pages or last pages Proposal: new optional parameters in action What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter

(...) Hi everyone, I just had the need to get multiple rows of data without having access the the SQL database. I didn't want to create a field for this one time use case. Unfortunately the 'Test' result window of the expression editor, didn't have the option to copy the result. Luckily I thought of the Administration Tools\Search Logs. As you can see in the attached picture, I was able to execute an ar (...)

(...) displaying incremental list of changes between, just show two columns with two chosen by user versions. I see it very usefull for huge forms, where tracking all the changes in each step takes more time . This way there could be a glance view about what changed, and then eventually i could check all te small changes between if needed.

(...) Hi folks, as we want to move away from using technical fields as variable replacement because of the sometime s pretty strict field limit, I was looking into alternatives. I know that with the new version, it is possible to create automation variables which are VERY useful, but is there a possibility to create a variable ( maybe through JS formrule or something along this line ) which is usable (...)

(...) ocomplete alternative. This in turn has the drawback that the it takes 2-3 seconds to load the answers. Using the same data source and filters for the drop down choice field doesn't have any loading time . So the answers are already available. I need to combine the best of both worlds. I will probably try to use a "on value changed" rule on the choice field to set the other fields, but this will (...)

(...) message while trying to save a new document: One or more errors occurred. Failure on execution of procedure pCreateSignature with parameters: HOME_OFF/2022/05/01899, 20225#1#22, 1899 Execution time out Expired. The time out period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The wait operation time d out The same signature number shows up for all users (already (...)

(...) s to be perfect source for non-working days, isn't it? This way all bank holidays could be marked on vacation schedule. It seams so obvious that I am surprised this is not working this way for a long time ...

(...) Hi, I have a main workflow where I have 5 text fields. Some of these fields are displayed on the sub workflow form(Sub Workflows start on a specific main workflow step) Sometime s I have to change one of the filed value on the main workflow( on step " Wait for sub-workflows) which is displayed on the subworkflows form. When I change field value on the main flow, the same field is not updated on (...)

(...) Hi everyone! Does anyone know how difficult is to upgrade Webcon from Express to Enterprise AND at the same time set up the test environment with all existing processes (that were developed on the Express version)? Is it even possible? I'd like to be sure that there will be no problems later with the import-export mechanism for the existing processes. TIA, Martin

(...) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.d__123.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime .ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime .CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalS (...)