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for ui

(...) ed Pdf report. Like configuring the mass action, there should be an option to configure the SDK action. Like picking the right extension, title and maybe an icon. Some functionality that would be requi red to fullfill the requi rements are already there (Export to excel) and there is no need to reinvent the whole architecture of reporting. To generate the excel the api /api/db/1/app/7/report/2/expo (...)

(...) An errors section where the community can post common errors and possible solutions for them. A search by error message or code would be great. We are bui lding one of those blogs for errors internal, but it would be great if the community can have their input on it. Also the version of WEBCON would be an useful filed to group by.

(...) When adding or updating elements via Rest Api, for picker fields it is requi red to provide Id and name. Qui te often the name is known, but not the id. As picker fields are usually based on datasources, it would by great, when the api would be extended with methods to query datasources. There should be at least two methods: 1) getting a list of all available datasources (overall / by application) (...)

(...) I try to read/load in an xml-file in the Webcon application about the attachment section. Then I bui ld myself a choice picker, where I can chose the selected file. After that I want to run an SDK action, where I get the data from my xml-file. In my code I implemented something but the file path is static at the moment and compares the file names. Normally every read in file gets an ID in th (...)

(...) Hi, When We put Report on dashboard using functionality of massive action or qui ck path not refreshing data in report. When we use it on report it refresh data. The functionality of report when it use as report or report on dashboard should be the same.

(...) the City form. We can update the field with a form rule on page load, but only when we go into Edit mode. Is there a way that his is also done in read only mode, when we jus to open the Form. A qui te similar scenario applies when printing a document – we want to have the last version of the Partner data. Best regards Aleš

(...) ed if a Task Assignment Workflow is created for a specific user. My goal is to check if that user is a User Cal (has a Webcon licence) and if not send me an email so I can give the user the access requi red. I've created a Send custom email and I'm trying to define the execution rule that will be checking the previous statement. My query is the following: SELECT UCL_BpsID FROM WFElements JOI (...)

(...) Hi all, i thought it might be a good idea to share useful queries that should be reusable for any of us as they are. Although I personally find the bui lt in Workflow-History very useful and really like it for admin-purposes, it might be some kind of an detail-overkill for common users. In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that (...)

(...) Hello, it would be nice if there`s a possibility to customize columns in bui ld-in Archive report (Searching structures), independently for each application for example :)

(...) Maybe this is simple and I'm just overthinking it. I'm creating new proposals, each new proposal has an automatically generated # associated with it (PFY2021-xxxx). I have the form rule bui lt to create the string, but I need the number portion to append. The xxxx number needs to increment for each new record entered. I can't seem to create an "application wide" variable that I can reference, cre (...)

(...) and everything seems to be properly configured - the data is read, but the synchronization fails and each entry shows error as below (of course there is valid data under these xxxxx) Record (distingui shedName: CN=xxxxxxxx,OU=Users,OU=xxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx, displayName: Lastame, Firstname, adsPath: LDAP://CN=xxxxxx,OU=Users,OU=xxx,DC=de,DC=xx,DC=xx) doesn't contain property useraccountcontrol Our (...)

(...) The management of BPS groups is only possible for WEBCON Admins. Some customers wish, that they can do this on their own, but we don't wont to give the requi red rights. We solved this by means of a little helper workflow, that enabled us to configure the BPS group to manage, a responsible person and an itemlist with the assigned users. This works qui te nice this way. However, it would be great, wh (...)

(...) We are going for NIST 800-171 / CMMC compliance and we will have contracts with Cui data potentially stored in WebCon flows via attachments. Because of this we need to be able to trace every single action a user takes and log it. Uploading attachments, accessing, deleting, updating, etc.... Is this possible with WebCon? Does it have the ability to send access logs to a SIEM?

(...) Hi community! We are currently facing a new requi rement, where it should be possible to change the browser language with a series of buttons in the form (approximately 20 different languages). Every click on a language button should change ui labelling on current form to selected button language. e.g. [German] [English] [French] ...

(...) text item form" button. All the other action buttons work properly, but I am getting the following error on the first one: {"type":"Exception","message":"Cannot use cache in config db context","errorGui d":"f8b38a8e-7220-461b-83f6-f2f8d65aae47","stacktrace":"","innerError":null} You can also see the attached pictures. Any qui ck fixes for that? Thanks!

(...) a naming convention) and based on the attributes we want to move the file to a target workflow elements. Is there a way to do this via standard actions? I've struggled to find one and we might be requi red to create a sdk action to copy the file.

(...) s for year and number of days and would like to type let's say "2022" in the year field (the separate one outside the list) and clone it to all the items on the list. The "update item list action" requi res a unique ID of row to be updated, but on the registration step the item list is not in the WFElementDetails table yet (I guess...), so I can's get row ID's. I've tried adding a technical field wit (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I'm currently creating qui te a lot of "validate form" actions. For example: - Date one must be after date two - Date must be in the future - Integer value must be positive These are implemented as "validate form" action since I prefer validation on the server rather than on the client only. The draw back is, that it's a poor usability. So I "recreate" the same validations as form rul (...)

(...) One of the flows I've bui lt for NPI has alot of attachments and some are rather large. Users have asked if there is any status indicator for ongoing attachment uploads so they can know when it is complete. Does this functionality exist? If not, is there an enhancements list I could add it to or upvote? Thanks!

(...) Several of our workflows have multiple attachments that are usually qui te large, some can range up to 100MB for a single file. I would be nice to have a progress indicator of attachment uploads so our users could be sure that the file actually finishes uploading and doesn't leave the site prematurely.