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for format

(...) Hi All, Does anybody know why system column "Step" on any report is empty? It doesn't show anything. Other columns are ok and show informat ion from workflows. I noticed that when I enable Grouping on Step, every step name shows on the left of report but still not on the system column.

(...) is integrated in webcon. For example, you are creating your customer list, you send the form for the customer (user without a license), the person puts all the details and when its submitted, the informat ion is automatically integrated in the form. Have you tried this? Thank you all!

(...) I have the scenario, where i keep e-mail address and other informat ions in an itemlist. Now i need to send e-mails for each recipient in the itemlist. The e-mail contains informat ions from other columns in this list. By having three entries in the itemlist, there would be three e-mails with different content to be sent. Currently i'm thinking about creating a simple workflow to send an e-mail. The wo (...)

(...) t and I want to use it plus another info like below: concat ('AaAA' 'Form Field') But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the informat ion in another field but it doesn't allow to save. Anyone used this already? Thank you!

(...) Hi everyone, let's be honest the search option is more of an autocomplete. Nothing wrong with this since you can still get some useful informat ion. Nevertheless, I prefer searching this site using a major search engine. Since I don't like to do repetitive tasks I put together some JavaScript which speeds this up and can be executed on any (public) site by clicking on a bookmark. Unfortunately gifs are (...)

(...) there are viewable dummy pictures instead of empty space (upper left in the picture). At the moment we are using seperate dashboards, which are not always necessary, because we are using the same informat ions on both dashboards. So, if there would be the possibility to get rid of those dummy pictures, it would be great. Thanks in advance, Bjoern Poller

(...) ng a problem in Studio with a Form Validation rule using SQL. I have an item list that is populated with lines if the user select a Sales Order in another field or manually filled if there is no informat ion on the SO. There is a column that is mandatory to be filled whenever the item list has any rows and I tried many examples to construct a validation form rule in order to have informat ion on tha (...)

(...) veryone! I'm facing a problem and hoping to hear that you might have a clue on what to do. I've a process that creates users in AD. However the user creating action expects a parameter of username in format DOMAIN\USERNAME. My domain users have changed UPN logins to their e-mail adresses (e-mail domain is different than my local domain name) in order to have one login in every system. Is there a way to (...)

(...) Hello all, First of all I would like to thank you for taking time reading my post! I'm working on a current process where I need to trigger many subworkflows to request informat ion for the main one. Because the main one will keep being edited after the subworkflows are launched, I've decided to set them as parallel. They will be started through a item list and after one person for the task is se (...)

(...) Hi all, we created a new workflow, mainly to store informat ion about our companies and important documents for them. To make sure the users attach a structured set of documents, I created a dictionary of document types, along with translations for them which are defining which document is attached in which row of the item list. The item list is initialized with a set of standard document-types that s (...)

(...) ere is probably a bug in ver. 2021.1.3.205 on webconapps.com. If you click Generate preview in Designer studio and save the process, the preview is available (when clicking on the step names in the Informat ion panel in front end). As soon as I make some changes, e.g. modify a field name or any other modification and save the process again, the preview is not available anymore. I noticed also that the (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I've recently heard that we are soon to have electronic invoices in XML format (in Poland) instead of PDFs. This should shorten invoice processing in Webcon as we could read fields straight into the form with no errors and no OCR verification step. This sounds very good, but will Webcon be ready for this? Will there be actions allowing to read data from xml structure and map them to the for (...)

(...) l customer that would like to install the Express version locally but the registration form on the https://webcon.com/get-started-free-demo/ is not working as expected. After submitting the contact informat ion I got a "Thank you for registering to the Summit 2022 message". :( Anyone can confirm that the installation in the Platform Center section of this website is OK also for the Express version ins (...)

(...) flow instance associated with the barcode. Also, if the instance is in the “Waiting for scan” step at the moment, then it is automatically moved to the next step through the “default path”. More informat ion -> https://howto.webcon.com/secretarys-office-a-sample-workflow/" and the big unknown is " workflow instance associated with the barcode" . How and where it is associated

(...) Hi everyone, I have the following use case for a customer: A workflow should be started from Outlook using the (full) Addon. Based on the from address some more informat ion should be retrieved from a custom database and populate other fields. So far so easy, at least in the dev system where I can modify the data in the custom database. This is where my problem/the question starts: Does anyone hav (...)

(...) curity/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file. Detailed Error Informat ion: Module   RequestFilteringModule Notification   BeginRequest Handler  &n (...)

(...) Currently Webcon BPS does not offer an action to convert pdf to pdf/a. As there is a rising request for documents in pdf/a format , it would be great having a built-in pdf to pdf/a conversion action.

(...) -- Issue solved: The "basic role" message has been shown due to the fact that the BPS service was in "Safe Mode". The "Safe Mode" issue - in this case - has been solved by updating the license informat ion and restarting the service. Since then the import of apps is possible.

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: sometimes we get many page documents, but in most cases valuable informat ion is on first few pages or last pages Proposal: new optional parameters in action What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter

(...) to a date from a form field that is completed by an user (it is "user's date"): "where table1.date = User's date: date acc. browser settings(text)" and it doesn't work because of different date format s. I've tried multiple methods and nothing worked. Do you know any solution? However, the following where clause works very well, what tells me that the problem is date format . "where table1.date (...)