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(...) e got workflow with contract database. Since 2 days strange things are happening. From time to time, the report showing all conctracts is doubling some rows. In BPS Content database there is only one instance with this ID number, but on the report some instance s appears twice. I delete report, recreated and same situation. Does anyone knows how to solve this issue?

(...) I'm unable to delete a step in the Workflow Designer window. It says (see screenshot). I can find the step in the db: SELECT * FROM WFSteps WHERE WFSteps.STP_ID = 95 But no associated Wf instance s with it: SELECT WFSteps.STP_ID, WFSteps.STP_Name, WFSteps.STP_Description, WFSteps.STP_IsFinish, WFElements.WFD_ID FROM WFElements JOIN WFSteps ON WFSteps.STP_ID = WFElements.WFD_STPID WHERE W (...)

(...) pecific cases. For example, we often use only one start step to implement a search for the users. The user has the option to select or enter some filters and the DATA TABLE shows the remaining instance s. Clicking on the (activated) "instance hyperlink" (in this case configured as -Open existing item in new window-) opens, ONLY in the new version, an alert window with the message (translated) "A (...)

(...) an item is assigned to more than one person. Has anybody an idea? When a task is assigned to more than one, it is visible in the info bar in the item form, but in the tabled report (e.g. "all open instance s") it shows only one name. Is it possible to show the result of a business rule in a report? Kind regards, Klaus PS: we are using V2021

(...) eturn all data, also "access data in the context of system account" is checked? I was banking my head on the wall, why the form validation stopped working until I noticed that the lastest workflow instance s are not returned by the data source. The screenshot shows the data from the "data sources" navigation pane, it's not a field which is filtered. Best regards, Daniel

(...) I'm working to migrate our on prem WebCon to our GCC High instance s of O365. Currently working on the dev instance . I'm having issues just installing WebCon. Even on a clean box, I get the following error on "Content Database Creation" I've tried, cleaning up the databases and users, and restarting the box and retrying install. Leads to the same error, I've installed WebCon a handful of times and never (...)

(...) Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to get the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to build a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance . Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://developer.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). An (...)

(...) Hello everyone, for a new idea i have in mind, it would be great, if there would be an easy build-in way to anonymize all form fields of an instance , which are marked as "Data Type - Personal data" in the Personal data storage (Style and behavior TAB). As far as i tested, there is always the need for a "Personal Data Dictonary", when using the action "REMOVE PERSONAL DATA". QUESTION 1: Is there (...)

(...) st version that supports GCC. I do not want to install this on prod and we don't have a proper dev env setup for this (Yet). To get the db upgraded, I am trying to migrate our existing prod WebCon instance , data and all to a new dev host (basically making a 1:1 prod:dev environment). Is there a "supported" method for doing this? I've tried a clean install, restoring the config and content datab (...)

(...) I have created an app and a dictionary. Now for this app, i have to create same process, but with different set of users. What is the best way to do it? 1. Clone the workflow, set it a Custom instance number and modify steps with the new group of users? 2. Clone the process? 3. Export that app as a template? But when i want to import it, i have to use that dictionary i have created. Thanks

(...) Hi, I am attempting to change the number of decimal places in a floating point field. I am getting: System.NullReferenceException Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Any ideas how to solve this? What can I do to give you more information? Thanks

(...) | href: | ex: System.InvalidOperationException: ServiceLocationProvider must be set. at CommonServiceLocator.ServiceLocator.get_Current() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.Getinstance [T]() at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.SolrEngine.BpsSolrQueryExecutor.QueryWithPerformanceLogAsync[T](IBPSSolrServerProxy solrProxy, String queryToRun, QueryOptions opt, String name) at WebCon.BPSClou (...)

(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured a validation rule and/or control field where you need to check if the lines added in a item list were already added in another instance ? I have a process for overtime registration and I want to block the user to add a new instance with dates that were already added for the same person in webcon. I've created a control field but now all the processes are moved to ca (...)

(...) Hello, After upgrading to 2023.1.1.89 I'm getting error "Attempting to launch workflow instance for a form type not connected with the current workflow." I found out that the reason for this error is wrong workflow ID in hyperlink function. Everything works well on dev environment but after export and import on test environment hyperlink is not working causing above error. It seems that Workflow ID ta (...)

(...) Hello everyone! I have an item list with a dropdown field where user chooses a WFD_ID value. I would like to execute an action (Update related workflow instance or Invoke REST web service) passing the WFD_ID chosen in the mentioned field to the action. Is something like that even possible? I can't find a solution myself. Thank you, M.

(...) , person Z are part of software group Let's say there are also multiple projects and their details into a db: project 1, 2 and 3. process: Project update , each update process will create a new instance . For example I pick project 1 and change its status. Person X comes after, picks project 1 and change again its status. Now there will be 2 instance s. I want to be able to give to person X access (...)

(...) I have request from business to create report that will be showing all instance s , which current logged user had task to do in the past. Some user can have more than one task in workflow. Is it possible to prepare such report and in SQL filter make a join statement similiar to this: SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [WFD_ID] ORDER BY WFD_ID DESC) rn FROM [BPS_ConfigProd_ (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to use the webcon REST API to create a new instance and to upload an attachment. I am having troubles finding the version that should go into the URL ex: /api/data/v2.0/db/{dbId}/elements/{id} (in this case is "v2.0"). How can I find the version for my project? I have used the following examples from webcon: https://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/examples-of-using (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I'm wondering what would be the best approach for the following use case. There may be between 300 and 500 active claim workflow instance s. The costs for these claims are tracked in the ERP system. The total of the costs needs to be in the claim, so that it can be used in reports. Challenges: 1. I can only use REST for retrieving the costs 2. The ERP system supports webhooks, which (...)

(...) using window.initialModel and make adjustments. In R2 it's gone. Most of the objects of the initialModel can be accessed via the liteModel. /api/nav/db/${parameters.dbId}/element/${parameters.instance Id}/desktop If you have no idea what I'm talking about, than everything is fine. :) Best regards, Daniel