(...) ersion 2021.1.5.367) I have an items list with (amongst others) a column for (multiple) attachments. Out of each line of the items list I start a workflow instance of another (start a subworkflow SQL ) workflow and the attachments shall be copied to the new instance. Idea 1: I check "copy attachments" in the "Start a subworkflow". Issue: all attachments of the parent workflow are copied Id (...)
(...) o add alias and update the documentation, so that only the alias would be used. "ElementName" would get the alias "Subfolder" "Category" would be "Filename". This way: - We won't break the old SQL statements - There's no need to create a migration script. - New users wont be confused. Best regards, Daniel
(...) e contains multiple fields as well as lists. What would be the easiest way to achieve this using WEBCON? I was thinking of writing the content of my XML file into a technical multiline text field via SQL and then extracting it with the "Change Values" action. The lists would be handled with the "Update Item List" action. Is this possible? Thank you very much for your help!
(...) What is the possible and if, the most efficient way of getting data from a dictionary into a js file that is supposed to read all the items from said report ? SQL (business rule, then convey it to the js file as an argument) or we can natively do it in js ?
(...) and now in sub process I would like to split this table to: A >> a A>> b A >> c A>> z B>> a B>>z .... D>>a D>>b how to do it? probably is easy like 1-2-3 ... I tryed generate SQL code .. but is not working ... SELECT d.DET_WFDID AS 'ID elementu', d.{DCNCOL_NAME:1174} AS 'Kategoria', ST.Item AS 'Punkt normy' FROM WFElementDetails d CROSS APPLY (...)
(...) lo everyone, Unfortunately, no archived instances are currently taken into account in the Advanced Analytics Framework. Since we perform archiving cyclically to keep the memory requirements on our SQL server low, the required process insights are not displayed in the Analytics Framework. For large processes, the processes are currently archived 3 months after the instance is completed. In princ (...)
(...) [Webcon 2024.1.1.130] (i thin it was working in 2022.1.4.404 - but I need double check] I have action to update item list where source is Parent Item list. The SQL query is working but filters .. works if there is no polish letters :| so: [code='SQL '] SELECT d.DET_WFDID AS 'ID elementu', d.{DCNCOL:1135} AS 'Sygnatura Audytu', d.{DCNCOL:1132} AS 'Tytuł raportu 8D', d (...)
(...) nt instance has a number or related "kids" (instances) and only one unrelated, but all from same workflow. In order to indenfity the unrelated "kid", the parent has the wfd_id saved in a field. The SQL that I use in the advance settings for the "wait for sub-workflow" verify if the total number of "kids" (related or unrelated) is equal to the total number of "kids" that are in a specific step (it i (...)
(...) es there were two different dashboards set as Default. Does anyone know how to fix this? Error: System.Exception: Exception occurred while importing table AppDashboards ---> Microsoft.Data.SQL Client.SQL Exception: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.AppDashboards' with unique index 'UQ_AppDashboards_IsDefault'. The duplicate key value is (8). The statement has been terminated. (...)
(...) advanced) dont show any past vacations. We updated to 2024.1.1.161 after finding changelog notice, that some problems with vacations report were repaired. Our config: We use a data source with SQL view with past vacations, and all type of data in columns are correct: VAC_UserID VAC_From VAC_To VAC_VACTypeID SQL : select * from [V_Urlopy_Historia] After some tests we've done: Afte (...)
(...) . The problem is that in my leave of absence workflow I have an action that sets up substitution for the time a person is out of office. When I run a test (see left side of the enclosed screen) the SQL query shows correct dates of substitution (the same as te person's absence). When the acton runs the substitution is set to last for one day longer than expected. Why is this like that? Where am I do (...)
(...) Hi, I don't know if this is possible in the BPS 2025 version, but for earlier versions I miss the ability to center the text (and make it bold) on request for each column of the item list or SQL GRID data table. I don't think it's possible to set the background color for the column label. Regards, D.
(...) e the step ... where I have 1 person and no waiting for other to finish - it was easy .. but if in step I have assigned 2-3 people and one of then is behalf then ... is more difficult ... SQL query: [code="SQL "] SELECT WFH_ID as 'ID of history', WFH_STPID as 'Krok ID', WFH_FinishDurationDateTime AS 'Data ukończenia kroku', WFH_LeaveCurrentStepPath, WFH_LeaveCurren (...)
(...) arted. (21.01.2025 14:13:30) 'Build elements attachments query step' completed in 0ms (21.01.2025 14:13:30) 'Get attachment metadata' started. (21.01.2025 14:13:30) Downloaded 1 metadata rows from SQL in 0ms. (21.01.2025 14:13:30) 'Get attachment metadata' completed in 0ms Exception at ID: 93238 Error occurred: WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.SolrIndexer.Steps.AttachmentNotFoundException: Attachment (A (...)
(...) ive. In my scenario I will have very often negative steps Solution 1 option to solve all path put to positive step and use wait for all positive and forget about problem Solution 2 set SQL query where it will wait for all subflows doesn't matter positive / negative and if all will finish then will go by 1 path common for all results. I did SQL QUERY: [code="SQL "] SELECT e. (...)
(...) eciate any advice, ideas, or suggestions on how to approach this. Any pointers on how to capture and log these actions would be incredibly helpful. I was thinking of potentially tracking the internal SQL queries but I need to know which user accessed the data specifically and I'm not sure I can engineer a solution that tracks background queries anyway. And this does not solve the issue of users acces (...)
(...) ecution for one row took 87ms seconds while another took 4279ms. I don't have the slightest idea, why this happened, how I can track this or how to prevent it. My best guess is, that a bulk of SQL commands needed to be executed and this one was in a queue which execution was delayed. The version is WEBCON BPS 2023.1.2.99. Best regards, Daniel
(...) erver and then perform upgrade on the new application server, but the installation fails when connecting to the Search Server: 06-02-2025 19:02:51 msg: Step2 src: Upgrade 06-02-2025 19:02:55 msg: SQL version: 14.0.3480.1 src: SQL ServerVersionChecker 06-02-2025 19:02:59 msg: Url to Solr: http://[SERVERNAME]:8983/solr/BPS_Activities/query?q=*:*&q.op=OR&indent=true&fq=TS_Insert:[2025-01-06T19:02: (...)
(...) Hello, I would like to create a new data source in the MSSQL Database category that would retrieve information from a list of values from the form and other attributes on the same form, but I don't know what such a correct query should look like. Currently, my query is only able to retrieve information from the attributes themselves, but not from the list of values. Edit: I found the solutio (...)
(...) hi, I would like to create a calculated column for a report with a list of items. This column, using SQL , should fetch data from another process. I want to map it based on the DET_Att23 ID for each row of the report:: select sum(DE.DET_Value2 - isnull(DE.DET_Value17, 0)) as nn from WFELEMENTS join WFELEMENTDETAILS DE on WFD_ID = DE.DET_WFDID where WFD_DTYPEID = '212' and DE.DET_WFCONID = ' (...)