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Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction In the era of globalization, multilingualism in a company is almost a standard. The dominant language in most companies that operate internationally is, of course, English, while locally employees usually communicate in their native tongue. This also applies to electronic correspondence. WEBCON BPS me

(...) e template in BPS, select Print and check the Print to file option.   A window opens in which you need to indicate where to save the file. Save the file and open it using any text edit or.   Copy the file content and paste it in the configuration window of the Print a barcode label action:   Save the process and test the print:   EPL lan (...)

Applies to version 2017.1.3.x; Author: Bartłomiej Spyrka SDK configuration for an ‘Administration process’ used to find and manage personal data This article presents methods of utilizing features available in WEBCON BPS to prepare a process for GDPR-related data management. In this article you will learn: How to approach the Administrative process which is used to tra

(...) nd headers lines. Keep the data to use in the next step.   To utilize the newly created account, open the otlpsettings.json file located in the Portal and Service main directories. (To edit the file you can use the Notepad software available in the Windows system or any source code edit or, e.g. Notepad++). Given that the configuration of the aforementioned file is identical for Portal a (...)

(...) > 50%) of votes, with a tie going to whichever path has been set to be the default:   The path ID values can be obtained from the Object browser tree as shown above, or by the rules edit or’s autocomplete feature as shown below:   While not explicitly necessary, you may well wish to something like list of the choices each task assignee made to the workflow instanc (...)

WEBCON Academy courses impart knowledge and practical skills in using WEBCON BPS and implementing business applications. The C1A and C1B certification courses end with an exam and the awarding of the WEBCON Certified Professional certificate attesting to knowledge of WEBCON BPS functionalities as well as the competence, experience, and professionalism in carrying out projects and imp

(...) ed columns names differ from the picker field columns only by the added “_ID” suffix, i.e. “WFD_AttChoose1_ID”. By using its name (or a corresponding variable in the variables edit or in Designer Studio), the column can then be used in an SQL query to retrieve the data specified in it. The SQL query referring to the indexed choice column and used for filtering results pre (...)

WEBCON offers a wide range of training courses on the main BPS components. Regardless of whether a particular training course covers basic, advanced or highly advanced operation of the system, it is designed to introduce the participants to the world of BPS and to show them its basic and most frequently used functionalities. The universal character of the training, the time constraints, and the hi

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Version 2023 R3 introduced the ability to use the CONCAT function within the LIKE function to create advanced filter conditions on Data sources. This is particularly applicable when configuring Choice fields, allowing the list of returned values to be limited to those required by the user. This article

On October 12, 2023, the Krakow University of Economics hosted a conference entitled  "Alignment of ICT Related Curricula With Labour Market Expectations".  The conference summarized the results of the ICAM project, which involved researchers from both the Krakow University of Economics (UEK) and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) who aimed to align educational

(...) orization, the received code can be used to move single or multiple workflow instances through that path at the same time, for example, from the Report or My tasks level, without having to enter form edit mode. A similar authorization solution is provided for users of Mass actions on reports. When configuring Mass action buttons, the user can select a path for which a periodic or each-time authori (...)

(...) in order for their translations to be visible. It should be remembered that translations of form fields and their elements can also be added directly in WEBCON BPS Portal from the Form designer in edit mode. After saving the changes, the corresponding language columns of the elements will automatically be filled with the values entered in the advanced configuration of the form fields in Designer St (...)

(...) that, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the mobile application login window to go to the application settings.   The window allows you to configure Portal connections (edit connections), change system icon (Change the app icon), and gain access to information about the logged errors (Event log), as well as information regarding the licenses used by the mobile applicatio (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Grzegorz Straś   The SWITCH operator allows more outcomes and conditions to be handled within the automation, when compared to the standard Condition operator.   The condition within the SWITCH operator is a business rule, whose result will point to the case that will be used. The case can be designated in two ways:  

Applies to version: 2023.1.3 and above   Introduction This article concerns the system data source <Users and Groups>  and its effect on the Person or group form field from 2023 R3 onwards. The system data source <Users and Groups> (distinguished by the triangle brackets) is meant to act as a filter on top of the list of synchronized users -

(...) ccessful export of translations with a corresponding message. Fig. 4. Confirmation of successful process translation export   After the translations have been exported, the user can edit the downloaded file and add the missing translations. Changes should be made only in the column with the name of the target language, e.g. "de-DE" – in the corresponding cells of the (...)

  We are pleased to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications at the Cracow University of Technology and WEBCON. The parties to the agreement were represented by the Dean, Paweł Pławiak, PhD, Eng., Prof. of CUT and Mr. Łukasz Malina, Vice President of the Management Board of WEBCON. The

(...) on the right side of the table.   The Add button available on the right side of the table containing information about groups allows you to add a new BPS group Additionally, there are edit and Remove buttons positioned directly below, allowing you to modify the existing groups.   Clicking the aforementioned button opens the Add group window where you can configure a new grou (...)

  Applies to all versions; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction WEBCON has introduced a new tool, the License Activation Service (LAS), which provides clients with a comprehensive view of their WEBCON BPS platform licensing and registered license services data. With this tool, clients can easily browse their WEBCON BPS licenses and generate the files necessary to activate or

Applies to all versions, author: Krystyna Gawryał   1. Preparing for license activation using WEBCON BPS Designer Studio There are two ways to activate WEBCON BPS software: online and offline. Both types of activation can be done using the respective wizards available in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio's License management window. Follow these steps to prepare your environment fo