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for CC

I have a rather curious scenario, when I look up an archived instance, I am able to bring up the form and see the files attached. However when I try to open/download the attachment it throws errors. Curiously if I go the history of the instance and scroll down to the attachment link, it opens the file just fine. Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachm

(...) I am attempting to control the AD sync on two different domains. How do I filter out the disabled aCC ounts on the domains? There are users with the same names on both domains, is it possible to have the unique identifier the BPS ID as opposed to the Name so that users with the same name can by synced as 2 different aCC ounts?

(...) Hello, I configured the action "Send a custom email" to send email: - Direct -> Dynamic: field - Author - CC -> Dynamic: field - choose substitute When i send email, i receive the email without CC : person showing, and the person in CC receives the email, but there is not showing the person in To: Is it a bug or i did not configure it right? My field "choose substitute" is a Person or gro (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment aCC ess by a user? Users will aCC ess documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document in pdf attached to a process. Any ideas on how can this be aCC omplished?

(...) After updating to version 2023.1.1.41, errors are oCC urring on the portal. All processes are working correctly, did any of you have a similar problem? After analyzing the errors in GUID, I got a log as below. url: http://lowcode/api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has oCC urred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Wind (...)

(...) Hi, We installed a new webcon production environment. The configuration was done identically to the running test environment. Unfortunately, on the new production environment, when aCC essing a report with a list of existing elements or into one of the element, an error message is displayed: "403 - Forbidden: ACC ess is denied.\r\n You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the (...)

(...) Hi, Following a security audit, we are compelled to set the CLR Assembly Permission Sets to SAFE_ACC ESS in SQL SERVER. I'm not an expert in SQL. What impact does this setting have on Webcon? Thanks, Raluca

(...) stances from a certain app -> process -> workflow -> step. No problem here through the report configuration menu under "Source". However, due to the fact that for a report consumer to be able to aCC ess instances in his report two permissions have to be present: "ACC ess to the application" on the application level, as well as "ACC ess all workflow instances (excluding attachments) on the process (...)

(...) Hi, Blocking aCC ess based on login. Situation related to last webconaday :). Suddenly, there was a need to block aCC ess to the webcon BPS platform for a specific user. The situation was a bit more complicated because the user could not be deactivated at the AD level. Of course, it can be done, but it requires analyzing data, ad groups, places on configuration forms where such a person can be (...)

(...) ure that the new source name is unique. Unavailable logs: Security." Where to change it? Previously, when I did template doc with out depending forms ... I have got not problems, so I need add aCC ess but I don't know where to look ...

(...) Hello Everyone I'm writing to you because maybe someone has already had a task as wonderful as me :) I need information about which users and at what level they have aCC ess to each application and process. I searched the forum but didn't find anything similar. I'm going to write SQL because I don't think there is any other option. I will be grateful for the sql pieces :) Regards

(...) ing an on-boarding Workflow whitch is adding a new AD-User and granted him with the needed User-Groups. But when the User is needed to syncroniced with the Azure-AD because of using O365, i have no aCC ess to alter the User anny more. To adding and alter the User we use the SAM-aCC ount name and it works very well. But this doesn´t work on the Azure Users. By the way our AD is generated with a (...)

(...) ing in our firm. We have read the article about the whole process and we are able to add to archive the elements and we also created the reports. However, we are wondering how is possible to get the aCC ess to the REST API data or if we have integrations with the archived elements. Cos we have tested it via the postman but we were not able to retrive the data. Are there any other way?

Hello community, I would like to build a form that will be used in a multi-company environment. I have configured the companies and assigned specific employee groups in the "default for" tab. For employees from different companies, I have created several forms where I fill in the default 'company' field. Based on this, I would like to create a report that will allow employees from company A to

(...) Witam Czy jest znane rozwiązanie dla zgłoszonego bugu ACC ESSING ATTACHMENTS IN ARCHIVED INSTANCES Watek: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2613?page=1#m2619 Po zarchiwizowaniu elementu nikt nie może otworzyć załącznika w BPS Portal, choć jednocześnie można pobrać i podejrzeć załącznik w historii elementu - w mojej organizacji jest ten sam komunikat błędu jak w wątku opisanym powyżej.

I have Actions on path ... Generate Word Convert Word to PDF Delete attachment (docx) or more ... demands Appears during process ... I would like to select 1.2.3 Actions (right click save as automation) .. not like now i can do 1 to 1 .... or ... I could do Automation with 1 operation then pick it in "path" and then edit it and add more actions ... Maybe I'm wrong, but I do firs

(...) e I didn't read the manual carefully and maybe this question has been asked many times before, but I am asking it anyway ;-) Is there a way in Webcon BPS Portal to start a workflow with anonymous aCC ess (without authentication)? What we need here is some kind of public form for new registration of users. This form also should have path authorization, to verify a new registered user (e.g. by se (...)

(...) leges to single users but doesn't apply when I choose a group as a USER / SQL query. On the Instance level there is information that the Group has privileges but members of the group do not have aCC ess to the instance. Additionally when I add privileges to the group manually users of the group can see the contents. Where am I making a mistake? ver. 2023.1.3.169

(...) Hello all, I'm not sure if this is something that changed in the versions or I'm missing any configuration. I checked that users with the aCC ess 'ACC ess and Edit all Instances' are allowed to select Available Paths even if they're not the assigned person. I know that although having the rights to edit the instances, it couldn't be moved and that yellow message was shown because another person (...)

(...) Hi, I think everyone of use has run into this error more often in dev/test than anyone wants to admit. Message TIM_ID: 15 - WEBCON BPS Timeout actions error: checkout exception oCC urred. Instance ID (WFD_ID): 5907 WEBCON BPS Timeout ID (TIM_ID): 15 Could you we gain a global setting, with which we can disable this check / allow the timeout to undo the checkout? I completely understand (...)