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for api

(...) Hi everyone, I've been trying to establish a connection to a SOAP api , action seems to be configured the right way (it only tries to connect and log in). When I run path with the action, the error is displayed in Polish "Wystąpił wewnętrzny problem wywołania webserwisu. Szczegóły błędu zostały zapi sane w logu." (Internal webservice error. Details have been written in the log). Well... the problem is (...)

Hi all! We are using the action 'Invoke REST Web service' a lot, but there are some limitations I am struggling with. I want to download an Excel file using this action, using an external REST service. My first approach was to store the response body into a multi-line content field. I am also using a HTML field with a download button, to save this file from content field to disk. This

(...) I'm having some troubles using OPENJSON to parse a nested JSON response from a REST api : Following the solution posted at https://alterpaths.com/json-nested-collection-handling-in-webcon-bps/ but I cannot get the query to work in Webcon. When copying the whole query from the Show window into SQL Studio it works just as expected, but in WebCon Designer studio the following error occurs (see scre (...)

(...) I am fetching report data from the following endpoint: https://developer.webcon.com/2023/resources/rest_api 5.0/#tag/Publicapi Report/paths/~1api ~1data~1v5.0~1db~1{dbId}~1applications~1{appid}~1reports~1{reportid}/get There are properties for page and size, but information on defaults and max is missing. This seems to be explicitly documented on other endpoints, so i am questioning myself if there (...)

(...) Hi, I need to add an event to the AAD group calendar. Webcon uses/is synced with local AD. AD is synchronized with AAD. On the AAD side, an application with api permissions has been added Adding AAD groups and adding users to groups via graph api from webcon works fine. But, for example, if you want to add an event to the group's calendar POST method https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups (...)

(...) Changing the Restapi mode to "admin" should allow you to update fields, including readonly. The documentation however mentions the requirement of "admin permissions" How to add requires admin permissions?. Below are excerpts from the Restapi documentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fie (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to use the webcon REST api to create a new instance and to upload an attachment. I am having troubles finding the version that should go into the URL ex: /api /data/v2.0/db/{dbId}/elements/{id} (in this case is "v2.0"). How can I find the version for my project? I have used the following examples from webcon: https://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/examples-of- (...)

(...) Hi, the api endpoint returns a list of all processes inside a appliation. /api /data/v5.0/db/{dbId}/applications/{idguid}/processes It would be great, if the result would contain a property to check, whether a process in the result is only a relation. { "processes": [ { "id": 0, "guid": "string", "name": "string", >> "isRelation": "boolean"

(...) Hello, how to bypass requirement with required field using Rest api . Even admin mode does not disable this requirement.

(...) Hello, Does anyone has a rest api configured to access Sales Force? I have a connection and I use it in a process but I'm getting the data from Opportunities. I would like to bring in a specific report. I've checked how to do this and I came up with this query using the GET /services/data/v52.0/analytics/reportTypes/Opportunity But when I use the field as a Data table in order to check the inf (...)

I want to use "Invoke rest web service request" action and in response I don't have json but message in Header: Response-Code: Forbidden (403) Response-Body: {"type":"/challenge","title":"Challenge requested","status":403,"detail":"Request to perform challenges described","instance":"fe66c6a2-2cc5-42f9-a4ce-96bea7cd716b"} Response-Header: Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 07:06:57 GMT Connectio

(...) Hi everyone, I'm trying to prepare an action that will send a file via the api . From the Postman app it works (screen below). How can I configure the rest api action to make the file dispatch mechanism work as in postman?

(...) Hello, At the moment I've split up a bigger project into smaller pieces so I can test out everything I need separately. I'm trying to add a new attachment to an instance using this api /api /data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/attachments. I have 2 fields into this form: contentBASE64 and fileName. All I'm trying to do is to use these values from my fields together with the api action so I end up (...)

(...) e have read the article about the whole process and we are able to add to archive the elements and we also created the reports. However, we are wondering how is possible to get the access to the REST api data or if we have integrations with the archived elements. Cos we have tested it via the postman but we were not able to retrive the data. Are there any other way?

(...) Hi, Is there any way to hook into an api that is hosted on a localhost? I have a locally fired server, I use Fastapi (the tool is built in python). In browsers the api works. However, when I try to run a query on a form I get this message. I have already tried restarting DNS, disabling the firewall. The server is on startup and the server is listening on port 8000. I am new to webcon and just lea (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I am trying to upload an attachment using the REST api . I am using the REST Web service action for this. How to do it correctly? Along with the attachment, I would also like to upload a json with other information. Endpoint is configured correctly, the problem is in the BODY itself. The referenced api is written in python using Fastapi framework. This is response: { "detail" (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a question. We are migrating Webcon to version 2023. I checked the table [dbo].[Adminapi Logs], and since the last version in 2022, there hasn't been a single log in this table. Has anything changed in the new versions, and do I need to turn on logging into this table somewhere? I have been looking for an answer on the Webcon website and Google, but I haven't found anythin (...)

(...) Hi, Are "Fixed values list"s' content available through api ? Not dictionaries or other process types, but "Fixed values list" object types only. The need is to synchronize Webcon data with other systems, assuming Webcon repository is master. I found this article https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2491 which states that there would exist /api /data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements/resolveFieldVal (...)

(...) Hello Experts, We're currently on BPS version 2021.1.2.143 (getting ready for upgrade) I try to invoke a REST api to update form fields, and I get a proper response from the service, however, it doesn't update the fields. I'm using OData Query to filter and expand the data, and load the response definition from the service. The action configuration and action log with response are on my pictures. (...)

(...) Hello, I have an external api : GET https://domain.com/api /employee/GetAll I have created a process using REST api that get token, then get Employee. (START - FINISH) GetAll - Retrieve the employees list. The HTTP verb for this method is GET. When i run the process manually, it works. I have created a global cyclical action that starts my workflow (every day run), but it doesn't work: Resp (...)