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for phone

(...) Hello, I wonder if there is any way to distribute a configuration profile for the mobile app on android and/or on IOS in order to configure a higher number of mobile phone s in a more convenient way. Is there any way? The knowledge base has not shown one to me. Thank you for your answers in advance. Best, Ingo

(...) Hello, It would be great if WebCon BPS could allow to configure application available only "via Browser", not visibible in WebCon BPS Application (for Android/Iphone ) at all. Configuration could be on Application level via e.g. 2 checkboxes: "Visible in Anroid App" / "Visible in Iphone App". That solution would enhance Mobile user experience not be overhelmed via full list of application which e. (...)

(...) on change value in field. Changing checkbox field value (as marked, True) I'm setting "mark required" other related field. In such situation I could set placeholder value i.e. 'fill this field with phone number' suggestion. Especially it would be useful in Item list. Today I can set row value (in item list) / field value (regular fields) that needs to be replaced by user with proper values. Such (...)

(...) In our team we have came across an issue as above and I am wondering is it possible in version 21 or version 23 to send the text messages on the phone to the users?

(...) Hello Community, I've got a problem. I've got two workflows, a parent and one subworkflow. I'm trying to transfer data from the parent workflow (single line of text attributes - 'email' and 'phone ') to a table in the subworkflow with the item list update action. The table has columns ('value' - single line of text and 'contact type'(selection list: 1#Mail, 2#phone )). How to write an SQL query to put (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I'm having problems with the push notifications that should be sent automatically when a new task is assigned. In the app settings on my mobile phone (Android), all notifications are activated and the app has permission to send messages. In the Designer Studio the Chechbox is activated in the Global Parameters. Unfortunately, no push messages are triggered. Where else did I (...)

(...) erver:389/DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io?uid,gidNumber,objectClass,accountExpires,adspath,cn,company,comment,countryCode,department,description,displayName,distinguishedName,givenName,homeDirectory,homephone ,info,ipphone ,isCriticalSystemObject,localeid,mail,manager,memberOf,mobile,name,objectCategory,objectVersion,ou,pager,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,postalcode,postofficebox,primarygroupid,proxyaddress,sA (...)

(...) The current version of the API allows updates for the following fields: { "name": "string", "email": "string", "phone Number": "string", "managerBpsId": "string", "jobTitle": "string" } It would be useful to expand the user API to include fields such as: - Department - isActive - COS_ExtensionAttribute1-20 The isActive field would be helpful for deactivation in case of WEBC (...)

(...) ersion of the product or selected materials published by WEBCON (such as reports, studies, e-books, etc.) collects following information: first and last name, name of the company, e-mail address, telephone number. Legal basis for personal data processing The legal basis for personal data processing in the registration process can be found in article 6section 1item a) of the GDPR.   1.2 (...)