(...) T '➕➖' AS XX Generated two nice buttons with + and - that performed some actions. With the current version 2023.1.3.202 WEBCON adds extra " signs, so the entire code is quoted and display ed as text and not intepreted as HTML I would appreciate any idea how to solve the issue
Hi, if the browser window is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.
(...) Hi, I've prepared a template using Word Classic and put there data rows and data tables fields. Unfortunately the data are not display ed. The same situation happens when I go to Admin Mode > Admin actions > Word Template Printout. No data from data rows/data tables fields are diplayed. I am using Webcon Express.
(...) Hi guys, is it possible to display a dynamic tooltip/information via the description on a form field? I should display a value including VAT on a value field that has no VAT and i don't want to use a new field. e.g. something like that: "Amount incl. VAT : {FD:166} * 1.19" Is there perhaps another way to display a tooltip on a form field other than via the field description?
(...) g this SQL query: select 'a tag' + ''+ 'button tag' + ''+ 'div tag' + ''+ '' + ''+ 'img tag' + ''+ 'input tag' + ''+ 'p tag' + ''+ 'span tag' + ''+ 'strong tag' + ''+ '.class'+char(123)+'display :none'+ char(125)+'' + 'nested styles tag'+ 'div tag'+ 'button tag'+ 'strong tag'+ '' + '' as test Supported are: a div i img p span strong Not supported are: button input styl (...)
(...) n there's a new functionality, there will be immediately requests for a second improved version. :) - Additional widget type 'Text', which will output any text and not only numbers. For example to display information like "open/closed" sub workflows: 2/4. - A form rule can be executed what should happen when the user clicks on it. We could display a tab for example or execute a hyperlink or whatever. (...)
(...) path transition in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate rows". In our case this causes another execution of data rows which are only used for display ing information. They are not used in any other combination, even the usage tab is empty. It would be great, if we could have a checkbox or similar for a data row whether the recalculation can be s (...)
(...) ion. It would nice if the user could provide the details but it shouldn't be in the "end and save session" dialog. It happened to me a few times, that the a JS error occurred and the dialog wasn't display ed. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi, in my opinion it would be a really helpful, when the 'user privileges' tab on the process is display ed in red if any form type privileges are defined. I would use the color red as it's used in other cases, where the inheritance is broken like with forms.. Even so this is not strictly inheritance with the user privileges it will help to realize that there may be different settings. In my case (...)
(...) y this will only work with Javascript functions but I don't have any experience with that. I want to create an alert if they select a date where the difference is less than 2 days. If I could also display some text, it would be great, but if the only option is the background color, it's also fine. At the moment I have the form rule set on callback inside the item list configuration. Thank you!
(...) Hello everyone I have a question. In the case of parallel tasks for several users, how do I display the status on the form, i.e. who has already finished and who still has to do it? Is it possible to do this? Thanks in advance
(...) place: - (8/12/2024 8:29:33 PM) Searching LDAP://ldap-server:389/DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io?uid,gidNumber,objectClass,accountExpires,adspath,cn,company,comment,countryCode,department,description,display Name,distinguishedName,givenName,homeDirectory,homePhone,info,ipphone,isCriticalSystemObject,localeid,mail,manager,memberOf,mobile,name,objectCategory,objectVersion,ou,pager,physicalDeliveryOfficeName (...)
(...) Dear Community, I’ve recently noticed some issues when using WEBCON BPS Designer Studio on a 4K resolution display with scaling enabled (at 125% or 150%). While the text in the application appears to scale correctly, many of the graphical elements are either very small (not scaled) or blurry (improperly scaled). I’m attaching a screenshot to show how it looks on a Retina display (not even a 4K res). (...)
(...) wer WEBCON users. Additionally, the threshold for contributing would not be as high as it is for a Knowledge Base article, which usually requires a certain level of detail. Simple contributions like 'display ing a Google Maps link in a Data Table', 'Coloring a Data Table entry from the previous day excluding weekends', 'display ing graphics in a report', or 'Limiting the maximum number of text lines in a m (...)
(...) Hi, at the moment the column "ElementName" is used as a category /subfolder while the column "Category" is used to display the filename. select Top 3 ATT_ID , ATT_FileType as ElementName , ATT_Name as Category I'm not using these option very often but each time I'm looking at the names in the info icon and get confused. My suggestion would be to add alias and update the documentation, s (...)
(...) Hi, I would like to propose the ability to use HTML formatted text in calculated columns of reports. Now HTML tags are display ed as plain text, e.g. we can use only one link in row or not able to split/format text into lines. I remember that there was such possibility in Sharepoint reports and I miss it :)
(...) ere is an item list which has enabled following options - Allow adding, - Allow deleting, - Show actions column, - Show "Remove all" It is filled with many rows which in most cases exceeds the display range so the user has to scroll down/up between entries. End user wants to delete entries one by one with the deleting bin in the action column. But doing so the form is always scrolling down by its (...)
(...) How do I display my superior on the gantt report? Now we can only display myself, my team, and all subordinates. I want to have the same data in gantt report and field Absence chart.
(...) sful, saving should be prevented. Otherwise we will be able to save invalid data, which in turn can lead to issues, if the data is used in other workflows. In our case the field can be used as the display name of choose fields and we wanted to prevent the use of the special characters ; and #. The attached image has been taken from 2024.1.1.88. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi, How to display row id (DETID, @ID) in list (list item - WFD_SubElems) on form?