(...) Hello everyone! I've come across a problem today. One user has some tasks in one of the process es, some are a bit overdue, but that's planned (they keep some tasks active until they will be able to complete them). After setting up a substitution I found out that new tasks are assigned the way I expect - assignment for the user and his substitute. But the substitute has no access to the tasks that have b (...)
(...) Hello Community! I have a simple question (at least I think so). Is there a way to make a report that does only show certain columns and DOES NOT link to the details? I have a business delegation process and would like to allow everyone to check who's delegated and when. I do not want everyone to be able to check details of delegation, costs, etc. And clicking on a report row allows me to go to the detai (...)
(...) Hello everyone! I have one question, because it is not obvieus to me. When I set an infinite timeout somewhere in a step in the beginning of the process - does the timeout stop when the process reaches one of the end steps, or does it go on and on an on? ;-)
(...) Hi, we recently upgraded our DEV-Environment to latest 2021.1.2.136. Today i was evaluating the new version with our existing process es, and stumbled upon something that didn't occur to me in the past. I have a crucial picker field in an item list, that has target fields from some of the columns in that same item list. It works in our current PROD version (2020.1.3.411). In 2021 it throws: "Sequ (...)
(...) I just noticed that for some reason step names are no longer displayed in reports or data grids using internal views. The root cause of this is that I used the REST Designer Studio. When you save a process using the REST designer studio unset translation of changed objects are saved as a blank string instead of null. This may lead to empty Step and Form Type columns in reports and other objects using i (...)
(...) We are in the process of setting up Sandbox environment. Installed 2021.1.2.136 version successfully , Activated temporary license received from webcon and activated it. When tried to login to Designer studio initially , it's giving that "No rights for designer Studio " message. How can I assign designer studio access? Not sure what is missing.
(...) Hi everyone. I've prepared my first prototype in Designer Desk and now I'm trying to test the workflow (before publishing the process in Designer Studio). When I'm trying to go to the next step I get an error.
(...) Hello there, we are using a tablet pc at the reception counter for our digital 'guest check-in' process . It's just a seperate Dashboard with a report displaying the current check-in step. We are using the "Auto Refresher" for getting the latest check-in data. Our problem now is, that the smallest interval (1min) is still to long, the maximum value good enough would be 30 sec, otherwise the guest has t (...)
(...) Hi everyone! I was just evaluating the latest version (2021.1.3.163) on our DEV system, and wanted to prepare new functions for my process es. I had issues when trying to save a rule that included the new "select values" function to check if a collection of values from an item list is not empty. In the testing window the rule works as expected, it just wont let me save it because of invalid rule config (...)
(...) ntent, IEnumerable`1 parameters) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Do you get same error in your installations? On previous versions we didn't have this problem. No changes were made in the process it refers to. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
(...) rning everyone, i am wondering, if someone of you already managed to rename the attachments with a kind of numbering within webcon. Continous number or just the ATT_ID would be fine. I am using one process for picture documentation and beside 6 picturefields there is the possibility to attach as many pictures as the user wants to the attachment section. After renaming them with the "update attachment a (...)
(...) When trying to define a tile for a process that has many attributes, an error appears as in the attachment. It is not possible to define a tile. Only when some attributes are unlinked from the form, the tile is added. Unfortunately, this is not a solution that can be used in a production environment.
(...) PermissionsManager.FillPermisionsCollection(String permissionString, IPermissionsCollection collectionToFill, ConvertIntoPermission convertIntoPermission) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.process TreeStructureDownloader.FillApplication(ApplicationEntity applicationEntity, IEnumerable`1 process es, IEnumerable`1 permissions, IEnumerable`1 dashboards, IEnumerable`1 linkedprocess es, IEnumerable`1 (...)
(...) Hi everyone! I'm facing a problem and hoping to hear that you might have a clue on what to do. I've a process that creates users in AD. However the user creating action expects a parameter of username in format DOMAIN\USERNAME. My domain users have changed UPN logins to their e-mail adresses (e-mail domain is different than my local domain name) in order to have one login in every system. Is there a way (...)
(...) Is there any method of removing unwanted application? Normally you can't do that from Designer Studio. When an application has any process es or other elements it requires to remove them first - the Studio prevents from having orphaned elements. It is ok unless you want to remove the whole application. The application I want to remove is quite complicated and removing all sub-elements would be very time (...)
(...) ke the new default picker option "Show link to selected workflow instance". Unfortunately it's only available for the data source "BPS Internal view". If I select a dictionary and probably a template process , it's not available. Therefore I have to create an Internal view in addition to the automatically created dictionary data source. For those who don't know what this option does: The picker value is (...)
(...) ting an application for user management taking the guide done by Webcon: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/checking-user-and-group-privileges/258/3 So far, I'm able to check Applications and process es privileges but when it comes to the Business Rules, I get an error for the column they use as Users (users . BRD_Users) : select users . BRD_ID , isnull ( DEF_Name, '' ) as DEF_Name , usag (...)
(...) Hello all, First of all I would like to thank you for taking time reading my post! I'm working on a current process where I need to trigger many subworkflows to request information for the main one. Because the main one will keep being edited after the subworkflows are launched, I've decided to set them as parallel. They will be started through a item list and after one person for the task is sel (...)
(...) Hi everyone, Is there a way to add attachments to dictionary process type entries? I only need one attachment per entry and if this will not be possible, I will have to redesign the process to the standard version.
(...) Hi, I need to add to SharePoint Online process es prepared in Classic Sharepoint view, but I can't find such an instalation. I can install only WEBCON BPS Modern Webparts. How can I add to Sharepoint sites Classic Sharepoint view? Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance for your help. Grzegorz